In the UK, we are a nation of home improvers. It’s rare that we’ll ever be completely satisfied with how our home looks. Whether it’s to improve your forever home, or to add value to your property, we are always looking to tweak our homes appearance. Often, it’s certain rooms that we focus on, be it adding an en-suite bathroom to your property, improving our kitchen space, or making our bedroom cosier.
However, while we don’t hesitate on improving our décor if money allows, people often debate whether double glazing is worth the money we spend to have it installed. In short, yes, it is. It’s not just its performance that makes it worthwhile, but it can also add significant figures onto any sale price.
David Laing, who specialises in double glazing repairs in Newcastle explains why here:
Thermal performance
Firstly, when you think of double glazing your mind heads towards the temperature gains – ‘double the panes, double the gains’. Essentially, the two panes work to limit how much energy can transfer from either side through convection. By choosing double glazing for your home, your energy efficiency will be boosted, and this will enable you to save money — approximately £75 – £100 each year depending on the style of home. This may not sound like much as a single amount, but prospective homeowners look for energy-efficient properties.
Enhanced aesthetics
The ‘curb-side appeal’ of your property will increase thanks to double glazing. The shiny glass and stylish windows you can choose from will give your property more of a ‘wow factor’ and eliminate the old and dated feel that can often be associated with single pane windows. As you can purchase double glazed windows in many different designs and made from several materials, you can be sure there’s a perfect fit to compliment your property.
Safety elements
Of course, safety is a great selling point! Double glazing offers an extra sense of safety as it literally gives you an extra pane of glass as protection. This makes it harder for any would-be burglar to break through your windows, giving you more security. Not only this, but if you only have single paned windows and they were fitted in decades gone by, there’s a chance that they have become very weak. This could make it very easy for someone, or something, to smash them — whether it’s to break in or accidental.
Reduces condensation
Condensation can cause damp, which can bring with it a whole host of issues. Not only may it start making your house smell and show signs of mould in the corners but fixing a damp issue can be very costly. However, sometimes you won’t even know you have damp when it comes to selling your house. Unfortunately for you, the surveys which are usually carried out by any prospective buyers will more than likely flag this up. This will mean that they will baulk at your original asking price and try to haggle a better deal, leaving you with a major dilemma.
Effective double glazing will maintain your home’s temperature which will mean there’s less chance that the cold air will meet warm inside the plane of glass — meaning less chance of condensation.
All in all, research has revealed that double glazing can actually enhance your property’s value by 10%. It offers more appeal for the modern family so, for most homes, this can add a lot more than the cost of installing these windows.