MEMBERS of the public are invited to learn more about the restoration plans for the Home Farm, Nuthall site during an event being held on 17 December.
The draft proposals – which will be submitted for planning by developers BSP Holdings – will be displayed at The Three Ponds Public House on Kimberley Road between 2.30pm and 7.30pm on Monday. There will be an opportunity to ask the development team behind the scheme what it means for the local residents and the surrounding area.
Adam Watson, Investment Director of BSP Holdings said: “The Home Farm development is set to be a transformational residential scheme on a large scale. As a site close to existing residential areas it is crucial that we engage with and listen to the views of public on the scheme.”
Representatives from BSP Holdings will be on-hand at the session to answer questions about the site, which is accessed via Kimberley Road. The architects for the scheme, Harrison McAfee, will also be available to discuss the designs of the proposed restoration.
Adam continued: “The development will create more than 50 jobs over the course of the work, and will provide 17 houses when complete. The feedback on the scheme so far has been very positive from key stakeholders and we wish to continue this conversation with the general public. We look forward to meeting people at the consultation session to answer questions about the scheme.”
Applications for planning permission and Listed Building Consent for the restoration and residential conversion of the buildings of Home Farm are in preparation.
The event is open to the public, who are welcome to drop in at any time to see the plans and speak to a member of the development team.
For further information about BSP Holdings please visit www.bspholdings.com