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‍Selling your house can be daunting, especially if you\’re doing it alone. However, with some planning, you can get your house ready for sale with or without hiring a real estate agent. The first step is setting a competitive price, making cosmetic improvements, and marketing your home. This article looks at several ways to add value to your home before putting it on the market.

Professional Cleaning

One thing that can transform the appearance of a house is thorough professional cleaning. Start with the obvious places, like the kitchen, the bathrooms, and all the common areas, then proceed to the spaces buyers might not see, such as the attic and the crawlspace. This will make your home more attractive to potential buyers and help you get a higher price. Deep cleaning also means you do not modify your home too much by taking down any selling points in your home.

Repairs and Renovations

Depending on the state of your home and its location, repairs might be a good idea before putting your house on the market. Make sure you choose quality materials that will likely retain their value over time.

If you consider a full gut renovation, you may need to re-evaluate your neighborhood and zoning laws before moving forward. Generally, you need to consider the cost of any upgrades versus the potential increase in your home\’s value.


We advise hiring a real estate agent for successful home marketing. However, most people decide to take it upon themselves due to the extra costs of hiring a professional. In this case, ensure you invest in marketing efforts, such as staging your home, listing it online, and attending open houses.

Staging your home is a great way to draw potential buyers\’ attention to the positive aspects of your property and increase its appeal. When staging your home, you can use decorative elements like lighting, color, and furniture to draw attention to its best features. On the other hand, if you\’re listing your house online, you want to ensure your listing features the best pictures for your home to attract more potential buyers.

Add Light With Windows

As real estate agents will tell you, people want natural light in their living spaces. If your windows are stained or make some rooms in your home dark, you can add value by repairing them. If your windows are functional, you can consider replacing them with larger or more decorative ones. You can also use decorative blinds to add privacy and value to your home.

Add Colour With Paint

Colourful walls can help make your home appear larger, welcoming, and fetch more value. Ensure you choose trendy colors and include their paint color names and numbers in your listing. This can help potential buyers envision themselves living in your home.

If you\’re concerned about painting your walls and having them look perfect, you can hire a painting contractor to do the job for you.

Add Functionality With Furniture Layouts

Furniture is one of the most overlooked aspects that can raise a home’s value. If your furniture is dated or you have minimal furniture, you can add value to your home by updating your furnishings. However, remember that less is more. For a more cost-effective approach, consider decluttering your home or rearranging your furniture to make your home more functional and welcoming.

While rearranging your furniture, make sure you leave plenty of walking room. You can also rearrange the layout of your rooms to make them more functional and appealing.

Add Value Through Dwellings or Outbuildings

If your home has a detached garage, pool, or other outbuildings, you can add value by cleaning it up and maintaining it. You can also consider adding a detached structure if you have the proper zoning permits. If you require upfront finance to fund your renovations, one question you should ask yourself is, what is an EPO?


Naturally, you wouldn’t want to undervalue your home in front of potential buyers. Therefore, if you can improve its appeal and find the right price for your home, you will likely be able to sell it quickly. These tips are sure to add value and make your home more attractive whenever you feel ready to put it up for sale.