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Home Remodeling Tips You and Your Family Are Gonna Love

What is the one thing that every family needs? A home. And what is something that can be done to…
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8 Home and Building Trends for 2021

The pandemic has completely changed everyone’s lifestyle. This major shift has impacted how the property sector forecasts the home and…
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5 Ways to Keep Your Home Renovation Eco-friendly

Whether you are cosmetically updating your home or undertaking an entire renovation, there are many factors to consider. Conducting work…
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Backyard Office Pods: The Solution to Boosting Productivity for Remote Working

The pandemic has forced the workforce to quickly adjust to remote work. Though restrictions are easing in many cities, many…
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What to Know About Marley Floors

Whether you own a dance studio, you are setting up a dance area in your home or you simply are…
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How to Build a Special Event Venue from Scratch

No matter what kind of space you have access to, building a special event venue out of your space can…
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Getting Value from Your Data: A Guide to Analytics for Housing Associations

The social housing sector is heavily regulated, with housing associations required to support and improve the lives of tenants while…
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Garden Goals: The Cheapest Ways to Add Property Value

Flogas, suppliers of gas bbqs discuss a range of examples that can help boost your home’s value and make your…
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The Rise in Demand for Unique and Varied Home Designs

Our homes come in many different shapes, sizes, and styles. From townhouses to cottages, we all shape our properties into…