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Data suggests that pallet furniture is a must-have for Brits

These flat wooden structures are commonly used for the transportation and display of goods in the likes of supermarkets and…
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A Nordic State of Mind

A vision for smarter, more sustainable living, integrated with the fundamental Nordic principles for life; the cohesion of these two…
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6 Tips for Improving Your Construction Site Security

Construction sites are an easy target for vandals, trespassers, and thieves, and it is important for a construction team to…
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Challenges and Opportunities of Brexit for Construction Industry

There is no doubt that the construction industry will suffer in the wake of our exit from the EU, but…
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House Buy Fast’s Top Tips for Selling Your House Fast

If you’re looking to sell your home in the current climate of COVID-19, Brexit and Christmas you’ll need a special…
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Innovative and Environmentally Sound Designs

In the last two decades, China has undergone a period of mega-growth. The expansion seen throughout the region is truly…
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Most Instagramable Royal Residences, REVEALED!

With The Crown back on Netflix and the Queen celebrating her 73rd wedding anniversary with the Duke of Edinburgh, what…
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The Crucial Role of Landscaping in Eco-Friendly Home Building

Landscaping plays a crucial role in eco-friendly homebuilding. Therefore, if builders want to benefit both the environment and future occupants,…
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Asbestos: Top 3 Most Common Hazards and How to Prevent Exposure in the Workplace

Although asbestos can severely damage our lungs if inhaled, it was a common substance used between the 1950s–80s due to…