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Women in Engineering: A Changing Sector

The engineering industry in the UK has come a long way in terms of inclusivity and diversity over the past…
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How Achieving a Leak Free Wetroom Can Save You Time & Money

In this article, we’ve compiled a laundry list of investments that can help achieve a leak-proof wetroom design that will…
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5 Strategies for Improving Construction Client Relationships

Professional builders have a bad rap for not communicating effectively. In 2018, miscommunication and poor project data were responsible for…
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Must-Ask Questions for Your Contractor

When you're looking to hire a contractor, you may not even know exactly what to ask them to ensure you're…
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Top Tips On How To Make The Most Out Of Your Garden Shed

A garden shed is undoubtedly a valuable feature of any house that can serve a variety of different purposes. From…
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Loosened Lockdown and Bodge Jobs Spark Bonanza for UK Tradespeople

Nearly half of UK tradespeople (46 per cent) say their workload has increased since lockdown loosened in June 2020.
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National Tradesman Day 2020: How long does it take to break even when starting a trade business?

With over 40% of construction firms expected to make redundancies due to coronavirus, tradespeople may be considering going self-employed. But…
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The Importance of Apprenticeships in The Plumbing Industry and Top Training Tips

Trade industries are struggling to recruit highly skilled workers to their teams. This particularly hits the plumbing industry with 56…
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How The Construction Industry Can Tackle Climate Change

The construction and building industries emit up to 39 percent of the world's carbon emissions. With the public more eco-conscious…