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Fight Crime in Your Home this Christmas

The Christmas period is a time for celebration and joy, spent with friends and loved ones. Presents have been bought,…
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98% of Brits do not know their rights when it comes to tenancy deposits

• Approximately five million rented households in the UK • Renters could be entitled to three times their initial deposit…
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ISLAND Road West, a new prime urban logistics scheme in Reading, has seen the second phase of development completed this…
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Professional Development in the Construction Landscape

Whilst other industries have for many years focused on professional growth as a motivating factor for staff, as well as…
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Five Timeless Interior Design Trends And How You Can Incorporate Them Into Your Home

A fashion-based market, Interior Design changes regular as new trends and ideas make the grade. In this article BUILD Magazine…
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MEMBERS of the public are invited to learn more about the restoration plans for the Home Farm, Nuthall site during…
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What impact is Brexit having on the commercial property market in the UK?

There have been many repercussions felt by multiple UK sectors since the UK officially chose to leave the EU. With…
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How double glazing can increase the value of your property

In the UK, we are a nation of home improvers. It’s rare that we’ll ever be completely satisfied with how…
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Buildings with advanced climate control technology

As buildings across the world become increasingly complex in their design, it makes sense that the technology within them would…