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Metal Working Fluids Market to grow at a CAGR of 3.96% in APAC 2015-2019

MWF are lubricating oils used to cool metallic work pieces when they are subject to industrial processes, such as machining,…
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Engineering Plastics Market by Type Application – Global Forecast 2020

The market size for engineering plastics was estimated at 14,259 kilotons in 2014. In terms of value, Asia-Pacific was the…
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China Will Add Over 100 Million kW of Wind Power Capacity, new record

China's wind power industry gradually came out of the 2011 & 2012 slowdowns from 2013 on, and witnessed rapid growth…
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HMRC to target fast growing businesses for risk assessments and tax affairs

HM Revenue & Customs(HMRC) is writing to thousands of businesses in order to discuss their tax affairs, with a view…
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Novel M60 Safety Campaign Uses Construction Workers’ Children

As building works begin on M60, the Government announces a safety campaign to keep workers safe by using photographs of…
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West Midlands Virtual Hospital Recognised as BIM Initiative of the Year

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council received the award for their application of BIM in the hospital project.
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Rebound in Construction Output Growth, Helped by Election Bounce

UK construction companies recorded a slight rebound in output growth during May, but this only partially reversed the loss of…
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BIM Managers new breed of professional: Breaking Ground

BIM Managers are a wholly new breed of professional. They emerged internationally in less than a decade, most markedly in…
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3D Repo’s winning platform: BIM Project Wins Canary Wharf Award

3D Repo have won the ‘Virtual Design and Construction' section of the awards with their open source Building Information Modelling…