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Tech Trends You Might See in Your Home Sooner Than You Think

With smart home systems and the “Internet of Things” breaking into mainstream use, leading touchscreen developer Zytronic noodle on some…
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Why Underinsuring Your Home Could Be a Very Costly Mistake!

‘Home insurance’ can come in three forms: contents insurance to cover the items within your home, buildings insurance to cover…
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These Are the Most Popular Ways to Heat Your Home According to Google Trend Data

According to Santander, estate agents report that buyers are paying up to 15.5% more for a property that boasts high…
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Ultimate Guide to Creating the Perfect Space for Home Workouts

Working out at home offers many benefits, from saving money in the long-term on gym fees to the convenience of…
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The 5 Big Benefits of New Builds

From biodiversity loss to extreme weather, the impact of human activity on the planet is becoming increasingly clear.
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Revamping Your Home on A Budget- in 7 Different Ways

Giving your home a makeover doesn’t have to break the bank. A refresh or a few tweaks in the interior…
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Gender Inequality in the Construction Industry: The Future of Diversity

When it comes to sectors that could still see a lot of improvement in gender equality, construction has a lot…
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Unique Real Estate: Wonderful Dream Homes in the UK

Homes are more than bricks and mortar. They’re the place you go to relax after a long day, making memories…
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Give Your Well-Being a Boost with These Home Improvements

Whether it’s bringing natural light into your kitchen or creating the perfect cosy nook, your home environment can make a…