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Invigorating Workspaces: 5 Ways to Improve Your Office

There’s no doubt that the global pandemic changed the nature of office working. In fact, according to data collected on…
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Women in Decorating: The Past, Present and Future

Ranging from senior management roles to trainees, five Bagnalls employees have provided unique insights into working in the painting and…
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Design Expert Explains Why Your Business Needs Sustainable Products

A recent global report from the Economist Intelligence Unit revealed online searches for sustainable goods increased by 71 per cent…
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Pallet Furniture – Bring DIY to Your Garden Office

With the rise in people having the option to work from home, you may want a workspace that feels new…
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Cheapest Sustainable Gadgets to Transform Your Home

Spring has arrived, and summer will undoubtedly be here in the blink of an eye. With this in mind, we…
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Haws Shares Top Tips To help interior jungles Thrive

Avid houseplant collectors may love the leafy lush foliage and healing properties of their plant babies, but keeping them looking…
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A House’s Expiry Date: Maintenance Budget for Homeowners

Homeownership, rather than renting, comes with an array of advantages: you have the opportunity to decorate your rooms to your…
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What Are the Invisible Costs of Managing a Building Project?

Building projects aren’t always smooth sailing and there are often times when unforeseen circumstances take over. From bad weather to…
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How to Prepare Your Home for Autumn

Discount Code’s money-saving expert, Natalia Lachim, reveals how preparing our homes for Autumn can help reduce bills while still being…