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Common Mistakes to Avoid When Moving Houses

Moving houses can be a challenging experience, taking up your time, along with your mental and physical energy. Letting go…
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How To Incorporate Tiles In A Kitchen Or Bathroom

When most people think of tiles, they think of squares or rectangles that are used to create a uniform and…
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Hidden Factors That Could Affect the Value of Your Home

Many different factors can have a significant impact on the value of your property. From a safe neighbourhood to spacious…
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What Should You Focus On When Looking For A Roofing Company?

If you're in need of a new roof, you may be wondering where to start. There are so many roofing…
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Five Ways To Promote Your Business, Art, or Service

Nowadays life is saturated. There are so many people, companies, and other entities trying to do the same things. Tech…
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A Day in The Life of a Regional Construction Director

This month we ask Mike Mulligan, from award-winning property developer Kebbell, to tell us a little more about a day…
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How to Spot a Cowboy Builder

Upgrading your home is both an exciting and nerve-racking process. You have decided what areas need improving, have spent time…
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Ensuring Quality in Construction

Construction is an essential industry for the development of any building project, from commercial buildings to domestic projects. It’s an…
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6 Benefits of Living in a Tiny House

The rise in popularity of tiny homes indicates a new trend may be emerging in the housing market. The COVID-19…