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The Form and Function of Modern Architectural Art

Architecture in Formation, having earned accreditation as the ‘Most Outstanding Innovative Full-Service Architecture and Design Practice within the Private and…
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6 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Roofing Company

Installing a new roof is usually a great investment that gives your home adequate protection from nature's harsh elements. Here…
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Important House Repairs That You Should Always Leave to Experts

There are some important house repairs that you should always leave to the professionals. Trying to do them yourself can…
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The Different Types Of Generators and How to Choose The One For Your Needs

Generators are a lifesaver during an emergency. They can provide power for lights, appliances, and even medical equipment. But with…
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How to Get to Know Your New Neighborhood

We all know how meeting new neighbors can be intimidating, especially for those who are a bit shy or not…
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ICON Construction-Opal Towers

The structural integrity of a building could be compromised because of factors such as low-quality materials and poor workmanship. These…
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Real Estate is a Great Investment and Here’s Why

Investing in real estate offers numerous benefits depending on the assets you choose. For instance, you can enjoy excellent returns…
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5 Myths About Business Gas

The myths surrounding business gas are the reasons why it's so misunderstood. Here, we take a look at some of…
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Here’s Why You Might Need to Replace your Windows

Opening a window to allow fresh into your home should be a daily routine, but this may not be possible…