Bora-Care® is a revolutionary new construction termite treatment that is applied to wood during the dried-in phase of construction. It has been proven to last longer than soil termiticides and can earn builders green points under most green building programs while providing the lowest possible impact to the environment. Recently, we profiled Nisus Corporation, the manufacturer of Bora-Care, and caught up with Chip Hughes who provided us with insight into the marketplace.
Since their inception in 1990, Nisus has served both the building and pest control industries across the country. Builders seeking new construction treatments can use Bora-Care, a sustainable boratebased termiticide applied by pest management professionals. Instead of pumping chemicals into the ground like a soil treatment, a Bora-Care treatment eliminates wood as a termite food source and leaves behind residual protection as well. Bora-Care is also cost-effective, easy to integrate into the building process and saves up to one full day of cycle time.
As a leader in Green Pest Management®, Nisus Corporation manufactures products to control termites, mold, decay fungi and other wood destroying organisms. Builders can earn green points by using Bora-Care in green building programs such as LEED® for homes, NGBS Green Product Certification Program™, EarthCraft® and many others. Builders using this product have eliminated more than 600 million gallons of diluted termiticide from being applied to the soil across the U.S.

According to Chip Hughes, Builder Rep for Nisus, “Over 2,000,000 homes have been treated with Bora-Care, which is a major industry shift to a more sustainable termite treatment. Bora Care is also backed by a renewable 30-Year Limited Warranty for the pest company, giving the builders and homeowners peace of mind.”
The dedicated team that forms the backbone of Nisus Corporation enables the firm to deliver outstanding services for their diverse client base. When discussing the internal culture, Chip is keen to highlight the role the team play in the overall success of the firm.
“Our company is driven by science and research,” explains Chip. “Our technical staff includes PhDs in entomology, biochemistry and preservation technology, wood science and engineering, and inorganic chemistry.”
Nisus had recent success in BUILD’s Design & Build Awards where they were righteously selected as the Ones to Watch in the USA. Looking ahead, Chip shared the company’s upcoming plans to help protect homes. “In 2019 Nisus is tackling the problem of Formosan termites by offering whole-house treatments with Bora-Care and Bora-Care with Mold-Care,” he reveals. “Nisus is rapidly growing and is adapting well to this growth. In fact, we just broke ground in March on a 30,000 ft2 plant expansion to be completed by the end of 2019.”
Chip Hughes Specialty Builder Sales, Nisus Corporation
cell: 904-910-8289
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