Summer’s soon to be in full swing, you’ll walk through the front door, then you’ll be met by that wall of intense heat that leaves you gasping for air.
There’s no denying most of us yearn for the hotter months with their sunny days, balmy nights, and exciting opportunities. But sometimes the searing heat of summer can be so overpowering that keeping your house cool feels like mission impossible.
With even the normally moderate UK summers hitting an unbearable 40c these days, maintaining a comfortable climate at home becomes a real battle. Here, we meet the challenge head-on with our top tips on how to keep your house cool in the hotter months.
1. Pick the right time to open doors and window
Tempting as it might be to throw open all windows and doors during a heatwave, it could be your biggest mistake. Knowing exactly when – and when not to – open windows and doors is one of the easiest and most effective methods for keeping a property cool.
On warm days with a refreshing breeze, getting up early to open your windows to let cool air in and warm air out is recommended. Then, it’s just as important to close your windows and doors before the midday sun is at its peak so you stop warm air from re-entering the property. Finally, when the sun goes down in the evening, open your windows again for another blast of cool, refreshing air that will make the following day more comfortable.
Whether you have metal frame windows, wooden windows, or modern uPVC windows, choosing the optimum time to open and close them can have a dramatic effect on the temperature inside your property.
2. Keep the blinds closed
It may seem blindingly obvious, but closing the blinds is a proven way to keep your home cool in the hotter months. For best results, close the blinds during the day to prevent warm sunlight from entering the room, but open them early in the morning and at night to allow cooler air to flow in.
If your home doesn’t have blinds, it may be a good idea to invest in some, or your home could become a no-go area when summertime arrives. Alternatively, installing wooden shutters is also effective, not only because they block sunlight coming in, but they also prevent heat from escaping during winter months which can even save money on energy bills.
3. Create your own air conditioning
Most UK homes don’t have air conditioning even though temperatures are reaching record-breaking levels. Therefore, it’s vital to find other ways to let heat escape from your house. Hanging a wet sheet in front of an open window is the ideal compromise if your property doesn’t have fan. When the fresh breeze blows in and hits the damp sheet it quickly reduces the room’s temperature, creating a more comfortable environment in hot weather.
Another solution is to place a large bowl of ice in front of a fan so it spreads the chilled water mist around the room. On muggy evenings you can direct the fan towards an open window so the hot air is pushed out instead of blown around the room as cooler air takes its place.
4. Adopt an open-plan design
It’s unlikely that heat will be a factor in the majority of UK home designs. After all, the temperature of your house won’t be an issue for the majority of the year. Yet during hotter months, we all wish we could do more to make the place cooler and more comfortable.
Those lucky enough to be designing their own home will really feel the benefit of an open-plan layout during the summer. This allows cool air to move freely around the rooms so that temperatures remain constant and more manageable.
A lack of storage in open-plan design can put some people off. But alternative solutions are available such as adding a central kitchen island, a cupboard under the stairs, or a chest of draws.
5. Use cool materials and colours
Dark colours are known to absorb heat, keeping your house warmer for longer during the summer. From kitchen counters and worktops to flooring and wall paint, choosing lighter surfaces and shades is a cooler option than darker tones and will help lower the air temperature.
Granite, marble, and quartz are among the most effective materials for keeping homes – and particularly kitchens and bathrooms – feeling chilled in the hotter months. The surface of these natural materials is permanently cold, so not only do they remain cool to the touch when temperatures rise, but they also look stylish.
6. Limit the use of the oven
If it’s sweltering outside and roasting in your kitchen, the last thing you need is the oven on max. Then you’ve got top stoves that throw out extra heat to add to the raging furnace your kitchen has become.
Limiting oven and stovetop use helps keep the temperature down in the kitchen so that the rest of the house doesn’t warm up. If you need the oven to cook a meal, you could prepare it in advance and heat it during cooler periods of the day. Similarly, cooking food in the morning that can be warmed in the microwave or eaten cold is another handy tip. You may also consider batch-cooking meals well in advance and freezing them until you’re ready to eat. Finally, switching on a cooker hood will improve air circulation and remove odours, while opting for lighter kitchen cabinets will absorb less heat.
7. Use small appliances
Let’s face it, turning the oven on for hours to cook a solitary meal isn’t the most energy-efficient approach. It’s a waste of energy, it isn’t cost-effective, and during the summer it’ll turn your kitchen into a raging furnace.
Cooking with smaller appliances is a great way to lower the temperature in a home while saving energy and money. The average air fryer uses around 1,500 watts of power compared with an oven’s 2-5,000 watts, and it won’t throw out unnecessary heat. Microwaves, slower cookers, rice cookers, and other electric appliances are also more efficient than using the oven and stove, so make the most of the technology around you. Finally, as heat is generated from most house appliances, be sure to switch them off when not in use to avoid internal heat gains.
While there’s no escaping the summer heat, homeowners don’t have to watch and suffer while the thermometer keeps rising. From opening windows at the optimum time to choosing a cooling colour scheme, these simple ideas will help keep the temperature down in your home during the hottest months.