Selling a house is a stressful process. In Scranton, this stress can be compounded by the lack of knowledge about how to go about doing it on your own. Fortunately, there are plenty of great resources you can use to sell your home without a realtor and save thousands in commissions! This blog post will cover what you need to know before listing your home for sale and provide some helpful tips that will make the process much easier.


Research Comparable Homes In Your Neighborhood

Research comparable homes in your neighborhood or look at listings on the MLS. Look for homes that have been recently sold in your neighborhood so you can find out what they were listed and selling prices as well as their days on market. If you want to sell your home without a realtor, then it is important to be able to answer questions from potential buyers about those properties. As stated by the team behind a company that is running a we buy houses offer in Scranton PA, you should also pay attention when looking up those comparisons because some of them may not apply directly to your house due to different floor plans or lot sizes. When posting online ads, make sure you include accurate information such as price range and location of the property – this will help discourage tire-kickers who are just curious but aren’t really interested in buying. By searching online, you can find potential buyers. If you want to sell without using an agent, then it’s important for potential buyers to be able to learn more about comparable houses in your area when they ask questions. It may also help if you know what other homes are currently selling for so that you can give them accurate pricing information. 

You should look at recently sold properties rather than current listings because sometimes details like the number of bedrooms or bathrooms might vary between floor plans even though similar lot sizes and features would apply.


Price Competitively by Researching Other Listings

Research similar listings to the one you are selling and priced competitively. Other people will take note of your lower sale price and may be tempted to come down on their own listing prices which could benefit you in the end.

Highlight the value of your house. Describe how it is perfect for a young family or that there are many updates and upgrades to make it easy to sell quickly. Make sure you include pictures in this section as well. This will help potential buyers imagine living in your home, and hopefully entice them into making an offer on your property!

Money comes with real estate transactions; don’t be afraid to negotiate about different aspects of the deal such as closing costs or repairs. You never know if someone else might pay what they want because they simply like owning homes more than selling them (this happens frequently). Keeping these things open during negotiations can allow you to receive significant discounts after all other offers have been made finalizing price differences between those who are buying and selling.


Create Custom Marketing for Your Home

In Scranton, many homeowners have been making their own marketing plans for selling a house on the market for quite some time. In fact, they do not even hire real estate agents to list and sell their homes because of what hiring an agent means in terms of fees and commissions. 

If you want to sell your home, what you need to do is start preparing for it by doing some home staging or landscaping before putting up any marketing materials online and offline. Not only will this make your property look better than ever, but also an attractive investment opportunity which many potential buyers would love to take advantage of immediately! When designing such elements as flower beds and vegetable gardens on the front lawns while painting different sections of interiors accordingly with no time-based schedules, homeowners can save themselves from the troubles associated with making their homes appear more appealing externally so that they are likely to get plenty of offers when trying to sell houses without help.

Keeping the interior of your home clean and ready for potential buyers is a big selling point for prospective buyers. As you can imagine, they’re going to make a lot of comparisons between your house and the one next door when deciding whether or not to buy yours. If you want them to see how nice your home looks, make sure it stays clean at all times. Don’t give them any reason to improve on what you have.


Hold an Open House or Two On Weekends

This will allow you to meet more potential buyers, as well as have others put your home on the market for you through word-of-mouth marketing/referrals. Make sure that you keep your presentation updated and fresh by adding new pictures or updating current ones every few months. This is good for marketing purposes too because many potential buyers search online when they are looking for homes.

Then once they bring in an interested buyer, agree that if the sales price reaches your asking amount then you will pay them less than usual (or nothing). If it does not reach your asking price then you must compensate them by paying them more than normal/full commission. This way there’s no risk of losing money even though they may be providing zero services! Make sure this agreement is put into writing, signed, and dated before any work begins.


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

REITs are very similar to mutual funds. Real estate investment trusts are an excellent option for people who want exposure to real estate without all the hassle of purchasing and managing property directly.

A REIT is a company that owns or operates income-producing real estate. The value of your shares depends on the success of the business, which consists primarily of rental income generated by its underlying properties. As shareholders, you are entitled to share in any profits made by this business directly as well as indirectly through market appreciation and dividends paid out from net income.

There are various methods to sell your Scranton home. You can do it yourself or go through a real estate agent, but if you want the best price for your house then hiring an experienced listing agent is the way to go.