Women in BUILD Awards 2016

Build 2016 Women in Build Awards 22 y research experience in benign construction processes, efficient products, passive design, clean technologies and healthy materials provided an invaluable foundation for my work here. At Gaia, I am able to continue to develop wide-ranging research - solar air conditioning, animal architecture, dynamic insulation, indoor health and design for dementia - whilst taking on a consultancy role for schools, houses, housing, offices and universities. I have utilised this experience to develop an interdisciplinary CPD course in Sustainable Construction, whilst Professor of Engineering Design for Sustainable Development in the School of Architecture at Strathclyde University. Much of my current work involves guiding clients through the sustainability aspects of projects. There are few limits to what the role entails, from resource use, health and well-being, cost, flexibility or simply fitness for purpose. I advise on brief development, team selection, materials, servicing strategies, orientation, daylighting, procurement strategy and site practice through to post occupancy fine-tuning for the best long term performance. Providing real-time advice is a formidable role, which requires continual research to keep on top of changes in best practice, technology and regulation. It is a challenge that I relish; I get paid to learn new things and maintain my professional development. Where appropriate, I find additional skills from my network of energy, water, construction, community consultation and landscape specialists. Unlike many sustainability consultants, I do not see myself as a guardian of a set of rules and regulations established by an external organisation; I start by understanding the priorities of a client or a client group, and only then discuss how I can add real value. My job is to be the client’s eyes, nose, ears and sometimes teeth, to ensure that a project is delivered that suits their specific needs, requirements and desires. This is invaluable in an increasingly crowded field, as it sets me apart from the box- ticking approach, which inevitably adds elements of cost without value. My approach requires much more sustainable building to be delivered at the same cost as unsustainable buildings. The knowledge that a sustainable building will then also deliver added benefits over time – in terms of comfort, quality, performance and running costs - becomes the icing on the cake. My clients tend to be building managers, owners and operators who are looking for specific social, environmental or economic benefits. If there is resentment from design teams, who perhaps perceive my role as an unwelcome intrusion on business as usual, then winning them over is always a rewarding process. Few people will argue against a building that is affordable, resource efficient and healthy, which helps to sustain community and individual well-being, positive social values, economic activity and the natural environment. I have a simple framework to introduce the subject and a wealth of international exemplars to draw on; I’m often told that I’ve ‘turned on a light bulb’ or that I’m ‘the only person who ever made sustainability make sense’. I am often working on numerous projects simultaneously and I thrive on the variety of teams, locations and aspirations. An emerging area is the design and redevelopment of healthy, affordable housing for the elderly, vulnerable and those with dementia. This brings challenges in terms of the planned indoor environment, ventilation, comfort and air quality. It is satisfying to see these elements come together to create desirable and manageable homes. I am also a partner in a production company – Gaiatv - which allows me to showcase examples of best practice design, and to bring some of the processes into sight for busy clients. During the research stage of my career I authored Building Services & Environmental Issues (1992), The Environmental Gaia Research Sustainability Adviser of the Year - UK Sandy Halliday moved from research management to found Gaia Research in 1996, to support the design and delivery of sustainable buildings and places. This involved repositioning herself from researching and relating best practice, to implementing best practice on real projects on a daily basis; she told us more. M WB16028 Contact Details Company: Gaia Research Name: Sandy Halliday, BSc(Hons) MPhil CEng MCIBSE FRSA, Principal Email Address: [email protected]

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