Build August PDF

Build Magazine 23 Homeowners Embark on Renovation Spree to Modernise Homes and Increase ‘Family Time’ early half (47%) of the UK’s homeowners taking part in a survey by leading window manufacturer VELUX ® are planning to carry out home improvements over the next six months. For the majority of home improvers (59%), the main reason for renovating is to either update their interior décor or modernise their homes. However, one out of every 10 (10%) ‘home improvers’ is embarking on a project to create or improve space that they can spend more time together in as a family. For this particular group of ‘family time’ seekers, they are willing to spend big to make their dream a reality, with a planned average spend of £15,589. This is more than double the planned average spend of £6,444 for all home improvers. The home improvement survey supports the launch of a new campaign from VELUX to inspire and support homeowners with practical tips, advice and tools, to help them plan for and create their dream single-storey extension with VELUX roof windows. Other key survey findings include: • Almost three quarters (72%) of home improvers are planning to begin their work over the next three months (July, August and September). • Almost half (47%) of home improvers are planning work on their kitchen, with slightly less (42%) planning work on their living space. • Three in 10 home improvers in London (30%) are planning either an extension or conservatory. Architectural designer and television presenter Charlie Luxton has given the campaign his backing by sharing his own bright ideas and extension tips online at Charlie Luxton said: “More and more UK homeowners are choosing to make home improvements instead of moving to bigger and better spaces. This desire to extend and renovate rather than buy and sell is influenced by many factors such as cost and increased ability to personalise existing living space. “For family households looking to renovate, this research from VELUX shows that enjoying more time together as a family was an influencing factor when deciding to spend money on improvements. “It’s never too late to add daylight to a single-storey extension no matter what stage the project is at. When planning a new extension, it’s important to consider the impact of your plans on daylight in the home. Adding roof windows to your extension allows you to bring in daylight from above, ensuring that both your existing home and your extension stay light and bright.” Grant Sneddon, Product Manager from VELUX said: “As VELUX roof windows can bring in twice the amount of daylight to an extension as vertical windows of the same size, bringing the outside in when creating extra space is becoming more attractive to homeowners across the UK. “For the 20,000 existing extensions without roof windows in the UK and Ireland, there’s always a solution to inject brightness by letting daylight in through the roof. Through our new extensions campaign we aim to educate and inspire homeowners to consider the benefits of adding more daylight to their homes by utilising VELUX roof windows to accompany vertical and bi-fold doors.” To coincide with the extensions campaign, VELUX is launching a competition for home improvers with the chance for eight regional winners to win VELUX roof windows and £1,000 of John Lewis vouchers. For ways to bring more daylight into your home and to see the difference daylight makes using the VELUX 360° Extension Experience, visit www.velux. and watch here N - VELUX ® launches campaign to help homeowners bring extra daylight in to their extensions - Design