Build Magazine December 2015

Build Magazine 25 took a very precise look at overall energy technology within the sector and how that affected energy efficiency. Will constructed a 110-point questionnaire for every brew- ery to look at what they were using in their own plant and he then went through a forensic process to examine how the sector was performing and how individual parts of the sector were using technology. Independent Expert Assessment For the first time the Association now possessed an independently-assessed technology benchmarking matrix showing technologies that were already in use within the sector and which technologies suggested by government were inappropri- ate. It also examined what brewers thought they could be installing within the short, medium and log terms. “All that information enabled the BPPA to go back to government on behalf of the whole industry and demonstrate how we had commissioned an independent in- depth expert assessment of the sector and we proved that the potential was a whole lot less than 19.1% but that there were gains to be made,” explains David. “This triggered a significant discussion on behalf of the industry, which represented a very significant saving in terms of time and money if each member had been forced to negotiate individually.” It clearly wasn’t easy - agreement was reached with government on Christmas eve for a scheme that started 1 January – but the Association, on behalf of all its members, finally renegotiated the target down from 19.1% to a 13.6% energy efficiency measure, “because government accepted that our counter-proposal was not because we didn’t want to comply,” explains David, “but we were coming back with hard facts from an in-depth study which showed precisely what was realistic and achievable and what was not.” Since then the industry, with the leadership of the BBPA, has taken stock at what has been achieved and all the best practice data it now owns. So when ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme) came along last year with more tough legislation the BBPA was in a position to roll out its metrics across all parts of its members’ businesses – beyond the breweries and into pubs, offices, logistics and car fleets. This approach wasn’t immediately em- braced by all Association members but a full proposal by Carbon Architecture did validate the approach “and the doubters have now become the strongest advocates, which is great,” says David. And what of the future? David Sheen is now Director of BBPA Envi- ronmental Ltd, a subsidiary established to deliver environmental projects on behalf of the Association. And other industries have watched the BBPA’s achievements in a diverse sector and are now following their model – the British Soft Drinks Association has now signed up to meth- odology and the British Meat Processors Association has also called in Carbon Architecture to replicate much of the work achieved for the BBPA. The brewing industry, united through the Association, has proved that with intelligent planning, audit and metrics, government can be convinced by expert evidence and energy reduction legislation isn’t the threat it might initially appear. Ben Orchard, Environmental Sustainability Manager at Adnams plc, agrees: “We are always looking to improve on what we currently do at Adnams, so rather than view ESOS as a burden we used it as an opportunity to continue our continuous improvement. In the end it did return opportunities we had not identified before, proving useful for us”. “Working on behalf of the brewing industry the BBPA and Carbon Architecture successfully adapted what was already in place and developed the InMetriks meth- odology that now audits, ensures com- pliance and delivers results,” concludes David Sheen. “With our annual bench- marking we are continually creating more information to feed back to members that will flag up more areas of opportunity to reduce energy consumption, reduce costs and make the industry more profitable.” Eco Building