Build Magazine June 2015
Build Magazine 32 hat do you envision when you think of Smart Cities? While flying cars, holographic communication screens, or even teleportation seem far-fetched, the hyper-connectedness of today’s world and the Internet of Things (IoT) is making Smart City living a reality. Huawei, leading ICT solutions provider, sees the following four areas of opportunities where technology and innovation play a key role in the building of smarter cities: City planning and management with sus- tainability With Asia Pacific accounting for nearly half of global greenhouse gas emissions, one of the key areas that the United Nations Environ- ment Programme focuses on is the role of technology in adapting to climate change whilst tackling the issue. Environmental and economic reasons are key push factors pointing to why non-renewable fuel sources are becoming less viable as options for powering everyday lives – particularly in the area of transportation. Almost all the energy sourced to power our modes of transportation is non-renewable. Environmental and climate woes aside, security of energy supply is another area of concern as cities develop, driving the shift to smarter transportation alternatives. As part of building a Smart City, Huawei sees Smart Transportation categorised into the following: Better utilisation of existing infrastructure, vehicle reduction and changing the mix of vehicles. Huawei innovates solutions such as smart sensors that are capable of constantly measuring and optimising vehicle resources to lower current vehicle carbon emissions leading to lower carbon emissions and extending vehicle lifespan and smart traffic diversion which reduce wear and tear of roads. Reducing the number of vehicles on our roads involves encouraging com- muters onto smarter public transport. Finally, the introduction of electric cars and bio-fuel vehicles leverage sustainable energy resources, making active transport modes safer and more accessible. “Huawei has globally committed to strengthening our energy manage- ment and smarter city initiatives. In the transportation sector, Huawei has worked closely with both public and private sector partners in developing innovative solutions that address environmental and climate change issues. Achieving sustainable change in this space isn’t trivial but Huawei’s diverse portfolio of technology and business solutions are well positioned to help real- ise greener, smarter transport options,” said Barry Lerner PE, Regional Chief Information Officer, Huawei Solutions Marketing Southern Pacific Region. Smart City Building with Huawei CommunicAsia2015 Summit speaker and exhibitor, Huawei, shares how innovation and technology are driving the Smart City reality. W
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