Build Magazine September 2015

Build Magazine 14 ichard Wilks, Technical Adviser for Aggregate Industries, a company leading the way for the adoption of BIM in their sector, gives us his top six tips for choosing a BIM enabled manufacturer. For most companies, we are about to enter a period of ‘bedding in’ ahead of the BIM legislation coming into force, which is why it is important to select a materials supplier that is strategic and thorough in its implementation of BIM processes, passionate about supply-chain best practice and has its finger on the pulse when it comes to product trends within the market place. Whether you want to continue to use your historical manufacturer of choice, or need to seek out more proactive suppliers who are ready to meet your BIM requirements immediately, choosing the right mate- rials provider will not only assist a smooth transition to BIM, but will deliver cost and time efficiencies beyond the all-important implementation date too. Here are six things to look out for: Do they promote a company-wide appreciation of BIM? Four years after the sector-wide introduction of BIM was first announced, it is now largely accepted amongst leading manufacturers, specifiers and in- dustry bodies, that in order to successfully integrate a company - and indeed the wider supply chain - into the standardised practices of BIM technology, a ‘whole company’ approach is required. This isn’t to say that each team member needs to be an expert, but everyone from top-line management down should have an appreciation of BIM, its goals, timescales and benefits. Credit should also go to man- ufacturers that have enlisted the expertise of external experts in the quest to push forward their BIM preparations. Leading manufacturers like Aggregate In- dustries have embraced this company-wide approach with the assistance of an external panel of professionals, and are more able to understand and assist their clients because of it. BIM will affect the entire Government funded construction sector, from schools and hospitals to roads, social housing and council buildings, so it is important to encourage a business-wide understanding in order to facilitate better communication and strong customer relationships. Have they been strategic in the implemen- tation of their BIM ready product portfolio? For manufacturers with a vast portfolio of products, like Aggregate Industries, pre- paring for BIM is no mean feat and there is certainly more than a few ways to go about prioritising which products make the cut for the initial BIM enabled portfolio. It would be wise to ensure that your manufacturer of choice has strategically implemented its initial offering in response to thorough customer research and a deep understanding of market place trends. 6 Steps To Choosing A Bim Ready Manufacturer By Russell Banfi AndWill Cooper At Law Firm, Clyde & Co With the introduction of the Government’s Building Information Modelling (BIM) legislation now less than 12 months away, many early adopters of information-rich BIM technology are on the lookout for manufacturing partners who can aid a smooth transition towards the new standardised codes of best practice. R