Build Magazine September 2015

Build Magazine 3 Contents 4. News Inside the Industry 12. The BIM countdown has begun! A new chapter for the British construction industry, effectively integrating BIM formatting for all future government projects. 14 . Six Steps to a BIM Ready Manufacturer from RichardWilks, Technical Adviser for Aggregate Industries 18. Avoiding Company Disputes Within Construction and Building The Diverse impacts construction disputes have on business cash flow along with reputational damage. 22. Access Control: Getting It Right Where people are granted or denied entry to certain zones at different times, is the important element of building security Eco Building 26. The Construction Industry Leads on Energy Efficiency Becoming more energy efficient is certainly a top priority for building firms to hit government targets by 2050. Regulation 32. BIM and the Legal Implications Since the UK Government first announced its intention there has been much discussion around BIM and its capacity to transform the construction industry Real Estate 38. CDM 2015 Series & the Homeowner By Louise Hosking Director at Hosking Associates Ltd