Build Magazine September 2015

Build Magazine 8 Osaka Gas to Establish Energy Service Joint Venture in Thailand with PTT New partnership will provide industrial customers in Thailand with fuel conversion energy services. Osaka Gas (Thailand) Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. will establish OGP Energy Solutions Co., Ltd. a company that will provide fuel conversion energy services to industrial customers in Thailand, through a joint investment with PTT Retail Business Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of PTT Public Company Limited. In its mid-term business plan, “Catalyze Our Dreams,” the Osaka Gas Group aims to expand its downstream business outside Japan. This has already resulted in gas sales business in Singa- pore through City-OG Gas Energy Services Pte. Ltd., energy service business in Thailand through OGT and cogeneration/on-site business in Thai- land through NS-OG Energy Solutions (Thailand) Ltd., a company jointly invested with Nippon Steel & Sumikin Engineering Co., Ltd. Prior to establishment of this joint venture, our energy service business in Thailand focused pri- marily on Japanese companies. However, OGPS will be able to target both non-Japanese and Japanese companies in Thailand to expand en- ergy service business by leveraging engineering strengths of Osaka Gas Group and the credibility and brand familiarity of PTT, Thailand’s largest corporate group operating energy businesses ranging from importing to retailing of natural gas. Based on an MOU concluded with PTT on information exchange and joint study regarding liquefied natural gas (LNG) as well as natural gas supply, Osaka Gas Group has for some years been stepping up cooperation with the PTT Group through operational and technical support for PTT’s LNG receiving terminal. The establish- ment of OGPS will serve as an opportunity to explore the possibilities of further expansion of the joint energy business between PTT and OGT in Thailand and development of a broader range of business activities outside the country. Cities and Counties throughout California are work- ing with Green Charge Networks to reduce environ- mental impact and promote sustainable energy. Green Charge Networks, the largest provider of commercial energy storage in the U.S., has partnered with the County of Santa Cruz to install a state-of-the-art energy storage system at the County’s largest administrative building. This is the first energy storage installation in the County and largest installation at a County facility in Northern California. Energy storage highlights advancements in conservation efforts, reduced environmental impact, and the promotion of clean energy. Officials from Santa Cruz County and Silicon Valley-based Green Charge Networks took part in an unveiling ceremony today that featured a live demonstration of real time energy usage, operational impact, utility bill savings, and a tour of the installed system. “Santa Cruz County is a leader in sustainability including coastal restoration, clean air initiatives and transportation measures. The installation of the County’s first energy storage system is a practical and exciting step to further reduce our impact on the environment,” Board of Supervisors Chairman Greg Caput said. “Working with an experienced organization like Green Charge made the installation of energy stor- age a smooth and seamless process. The newest addition to our environmental efforts will help our community move to a new way of saving money, more importantly will have a big impact on helping the environment,” Supervisor John Leopold said. Cities and counties throughout California including the City of Redwood City, the City of Santa Clara, Santa Barbara County and the City of Lancaster are working with Green Charge to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable energy with energy storage. Green Charge will showcase their energy storage solution at the California League of Cities Conference September 30th – October 1st, 2015 in booth 1127 in San Jose, Calif. The Green Charge energy storage equipment and installation came at no cost the County including installation, maintenance and a 10 year warran- ty. The Green Charge intelligent energy storage solution is a scalable, modular system with a smart controller and sophisticated software that monitors facility loads on a second-by-second basis. The cloud-based software counteracts the peaks and valleys by discharging and charging from the lith- ium ion storage system. The system stores energy during off-peak hours and allows the County to use that energy during peak hours. It reduces energy costs and puts more taxpayer dollars back into the county. The Green Charge intelligent energy storage system is installed at the Santa Cruz County Government Center. The energy storage system is interconnected with PG&E and also provides the added benefit of reducing stress on the electrical grid, therefore increasing the reliability of our power supply. The building houses many agencies including: the main administration, District Attorney, Planning Depart- ment, the Law Library, the main court system offices, Assessor’s office, Collections and the County Clerk. Santa Cruz County Partners Install Intelligent Energy Storage System