Build November_2016

Build Magazine 4 News 79 Per Cent Would Prefer UK Shale Gas Rather Than Imported LNG Plans have recently been approved for fracking at Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road site at Little Plumpton in Lancashire and 75 per cent in the North West said they are in favour of using UK shale for heating. Gas industry expert and Lancastrian John Baldwin, managing director of CNG Services and one of the architects of the renewable gas industry in the UK, commented: “The overwhelming preference for UK shale clearly demonstrates that the public are positive about building an onshore gas sector in the UK.” “It doesn’t make sense to import LNG thousands of miles when we are standing on natural gas which we can safely extract and inject straight into our gas grid to heat our homes. It seems that, with the assurance that regulation will ensure safe extraction, people are enthusiastic about building a UK shale industry.” “It has always been very difficult to understand why environmental activists are opposed to shale gas as gas is the ideal fuel for back-up generation for intermittent wind and solar especially if produced in the UK with a much lower carbon footprint than imported LNG.” “Shale gas will give the UK a massive financial boost and the tax received can be used to fund gas demand reduction and renewables. Even better if the US and Qatar LNG that is not needed in the UK goes to China and helps coal to stay in the ground. I am thrilled that the gas under our family farm can be used to help the entire planet to reduce its carbon footprint and create wealth for Lancashire folk.” Survey Breakdown: Looking at location, over 92 per cent of people in the West Midlands were pro UK shale, with the lowest percentage in the South East, which still stood at 73 per cent. In the North West, where plans have been approved for fracking at Cuadrilla’s Preston New Road site at Little Plumpton in Lancashire, 75 per cent were in favour of using UK shale for heating. The survey showed that women were slightly more in favour with 82 per cent opting for UK shale gas. In terms of income, the lower the income group the more favour people were in terms of using UK gas. 84 per cent in the less than £10,000 groups choosing UK shale only reducing to 74 per cent for those with more than more than £40,000 a year. 92 per cent of over 65 year olds gave the thumbs up to shale, as did 85 per cent of 18 – 24-year-olds, showing support for using UK produced gas extended through all age groups. CNG Services Ltd (CSL) provides design, build and project management services to new gas pipelines, CNG filling stations, biomethane to grid plants and in relation to onshore natural gas processing plants. This includes connections to the high pressure LTS (Local Transmission System) and NTS (National Transmission System) where CSL integrates the design and build of the LTS/NTS connection and associated pipeline with the main project which can be CNG filling station, gas power plant, biomethane to grid plant or onshore gas processing facility. As far back as 2010, CNG Services developed a pilot project with Centrica, Thames Water and Southern Gas Networks at Didcot sewage treatment works. This injected biomethane into the gas grid in 2010 and its success overcame Health and Safety Executive (HSE) related gas quality issues. To date, CNG Services has been involved in around 90 per cent of the 78 BtG connections in the UK. Contact SOPR 07813 131350 [email protected] A survey has revealed that 79 per cent have said they would prefer to use UK shale gas over imported Liquefied Natural gas (LNG). The survey of 500 people by market research company Usurv on 24th October, on behalf of CNG Services, found nearly eight in ten people would use shale gas for their central heating rather than imported LNG.