Build November_2016

Build Magazine 56 Technology Perth-based creative marketing agency, BEVIN Creative, brings Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre to life using state-of-the-art virtual reality technology. magine being able to visually immerse yourself within the Shakespearean era, using today’s cutting edge technology. We’re not talking about going back to the future, we’re talking about virtual reality. Creative marketing agency, BEVIN Creative, located in Perth Western Australia, has shaped this concept into reality by delivering an engaging, world premiere, virtual reality experience at a recent free community event, which attracted over 3,000 people in a single afternoon. As co-producers of the Shakespeare 400 Perth Festival this year, BEVIN Creative set out to modernise Shakespeare by providing a state- of-the-art virtual reality (VR) experience at the festival’s finale event, Shakespeare Festival Day, held at the University of Western Australia’s Crawley campus on October 22nd. 2016 marks the 400-year anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, and in honour of this global milestone, Festival Day opened its doors to families, theatre fanatics and arts lovers for a day of roving entertainment, theatre shows, market stalls, music and food. Throughout the day’s numerous highlights, the BEVIN Creative “Virtual Experience” attracted a constant stream of punters eager to step inside the world-renowned Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre using Samsung Oculus Gear virtual reality headsets. BEVIN Creative, known for their world class 2D and 3D visuals, called upon their highly talented 3D graphics team to generate a virtual model of the world-famous theatre, producing multiple angles and views to fully immerse festival goers into a new dimension, literally stepping back in time to the days of Shakespeare’s era of live entertainment. The idea behind using such an advanced form of technology was to tie in with the Shakespeare 400 Perth Festival vision of modernising Shakespeare in today’s society, due to Shakespeare himself being a world leader in creativity, a global influencer and a modern enthusiast who was well ahead of his time. Benjamin Bott, CEO of BEVIN Creative and brain child of “The Virtual Experience” commented; “It was great watching people experiencing VR, some for the first time, in a truly unique way, with the experience also correlating with a worldwide milestone.” Goggling the Globe in VR I Incorporating modern technology such as virtual reality into an event like the Shakespeare 400 Perth Festival Day, opens the door to a new era in live events. Bott went on to explain his excitement at being the first company to virtually model and present the Globe Theatre in a festival environment, adding, “We were wrapped to have made front page headlines in local press leading up to the event and there was a great buzz prior to our launch. We had a very busy day on the stand showcasing the technology to children, couples and families…even grandparents were getting in on the fun!” From an industry perspective, virtual reality headsets and systems have been under development since late 2012, with a multitude of investors eager to monopolise on the technology breakthrough. With billions of dollars being invested each year into research and development in the virtual reality space, we have seen emerging growth areas in the gaming and property development markets. BEVIN Creative, who have been experimenting with this technology for some time, are already delivering commercial solutions for property clients as a way of connecting buyers with properties in a new and innovative manner. Bott reflected on this by saying; “We have a fantastic team and we pride ourselves in delivering state of the art technology and services to companies all around Australia. This technology is the future and BEVIN Creative is proud to be at the forefront.” Major virtual reality devices, such as The Oculus Gear VR headset (used at Festival Day) are already available to consumers worldwide, at an affordable price tag. In a recent Superdata report, industry growth figures have projected US$11.8 billion in worldwide revenue by the year 2017 with US$40.3 billion projected global revenue by the year 2020, indicating this kind of technology is more than just a passing fad. Many technology companies have been promoting virtual reality technology for a number of years, however, it’s companies like BEVIN Creative, who have propelled this technology into the mainstream arena, allowing the general public to experience it within a practical environment. Looking to the future, much of the virtual reality growth is tipped to be within the gaming industry, however the technology is also expanding into a multitude of travel companies who see its potential. Travel company, Marriott, has already collaborated with technology leader, Samsung, to produce virtual reality postcards, which allow individuals to virtually travel to numerous destinations, with accompanying voice-overs. A unique (and cheaper) alternative to traditional travel. In certain technology-based companies, the future of virtual reality is already in the early planning stages of incorporating elements such as temperature and smell, to bring this unique technology to the next level. Through the introduction of virtual reality to festival goers at the Shakespeare 400 Perth Festival Day, BEVIN Creative has ensured this innovative technology is one step closer to being a part of everyday, modern life. After being so well received in such a public domain, it has emphasized society’s willingness to embrace new, affordable and relevant technological advancements. Shakespeare never seemed so real. BEVIN Creative Pty Ltd Glen Panarese 0408 718 322 [email protected]