Build October 2016 NEW

Build Magazine 29 Design grown to foster an educational work culture, which is a particular source of pride for the CEO. “It’s a culture of respect and friendship, where we understand that working as a part of a team means to take care of one another. We are a creative lot – we are friendly and supportive to everyone that we work alongside here, across all levels of the organisation, but the same time we expect our people to get the job done. Of course, we do have our company rules and regulations in place, but so long as our team members respect and do not abuse them, they find life here at Allied Wallet to be a walk in the park. “By working smart, and by participating actively in moving the company forward, you are ahead of the game, and you have the opportunity to share in that. For instance, our people benefit from awards schemes that we have set in place: from awards cards and free lunches to cash bonuses and trips away.” Channelling this passion and belief in his company’s many virtues towards future goals and aspirations, Dr. Khawaja uncovers a single-minded tract down which to take Allied Wallet as it continues its expansive growth across the FinTech industry. “We want to make the future easier for the next generation to make the most of, and that starts with e-commerce. All of this has had a remarkable effect on Dr. Khawaja’s outlook on not just his work as an entrepreneur, but also on his life ethos. “Life isn’t going to be easy on you,” he states, “so you need to be able to get back up when it knocks you down. The harder you work, the more obstacles you are going to encounter, but if you stick to your goals and keep forging on, you can be assured that things are going to be a lot easier further down the line. “Just look at my history – when founding Allied Wallet, I was roundly dismissed by a lot of industry professionals that looked at my business ideas and scoffed – there’s no future in e-commerce, they would say; it’s not a profession that’s going to be conducive to an honest, worthwhile living. But looking at us now, we have a global presence, we are helping thousands upon thousands of clients make their digital payment solutions easier than ever before, and it all started from such small origins. Allied Wallet certainly did make an effort to hit the ground running. Dr. Khawaja differentiates his company’s origins from that of other FinTech services – PayPal, for instance, began as an alternative form of payment over Dr. Khawaja, when founding Allied Wallet and tapping into the challenging world of B2B, chose to cast a wider net. “We went in hard,” he recollects. “We wanted to establish ourselves globally, taking advantage of just how easy technology at the time had allowed that to happen; within our first 12 months, we had serviced clients in 58 countries around the world, after eight years this grew to about 67 countries. We had the means of communication, and we had the drive to go out there and seek our customers; furthermore, we had the relationships established in international industries. The rest writes itself.”