Build October 2016 NEW

Build Magazine 31 Design Company: Allied Wallet Ltd Website: While the company today maintains a cutting-edge discipline when it comes to making use of the most modern technology, their approach to dealing with customers, as Dr. Khawaja describes, is distinctly old-school. “Rather than relying on voicemails to take messages from clients with a promise to get back to them at the earliest convenient moment, we will take the time that is needed to answer the call, listen to the clients directly and answer their queries, whatever they may be. This is something that Allied Wallet pay especially close attention to that others in the industry do not do. “We are, ultimately, in the business of caring for people, as well as their businesses. It is their support and their custom that contributes to the growth and continuous movement of Allied Wallet, so we take it very personally when we get involved with the customer and assist them to the best of our abilities; I would even go so far as to say that we treat their business as our own. “This works on a number of levels, not least of all because the newer generation tends to communicate more through electronic means – emails, instant messaging and online chat services. That is all well and good, and it clearly shows the direction in which communication is moving nowadays, but we believe that communication needs to have a voice to it – especially when you are talking with a member of a large company. Allied Wallet prefers a much more down-to-earth, personal touch with its customers. Allied Wallet’s company values remain strongly devoted to its customers, and to further extending its personal client communication services to a broadening spectrum of professional industries across the globe. Remaining so robust in these principles, believes Dr. Khawaja, is what has put Allied Wallet way ahead of the curve, setting the example for those that follow in the company’s wake. “This is why I, as CEO, have been called ‘The Messiah of E-Commerce,” he says. “Don’t be mistaken – success can take years, and it certainly won’t happen overnight. If you plant a seed one night, you’re not going to wake up the following morning to find that it has grown into a tree coming into fruit.” Dr. Khawaja believes that this philosophy is also true of the construction industry. “It’s same principle when you start a business – especially in such a competitive market as construction: you have to stick with it, have patience, take care of it, and not lose sight of the endgame.” “Don’t give up. Be yourself, work hard, be persistent, and above all have hope.”