Build October 2016 NEW

Build Magazine 41 Investment Recent news that the UK government has approved plans for the construction of a new £18bn nuclear power station, Hinkley Point, Somerset, could signal a significant boost to UK manufacturing. Keen to capitalise on this growing sector, leading Steel Fabricators, Adey Steel Group are seeking accreditation for the Fit for Nuclear scheme. he scheme, developed by the Nuclear AMRC, aims to help UK manufacturing companies equip themselves with the skills and processes needed to supply the rigorously regulated nuclear sector. Through Fit for Nuclear, Adey Steel Group have been able to benchmark their current working operations against those needed to supply the industry and where gaps have been identified, adapt their processes to ensure they meet the necessary criteria. The Adey Steel Group, which recently celebrated its 90th anniversary, operates across the construction and engineering sectors across its four business areas; Adey Steel, Adey SteelShop, Adey Technical and Adey Transport. The company has worked on both large and small scale projects such as Battersea Power Station, Selfridges London and the University of Nottingham. A recent rebrand saw the company merge its four businesses under one overarching brand, the Adey Steel Group. The new rebrand also saw a new company website as well as new marketing materials. While still working through the programme, the Loughborough based firm are already seeing some benefits, as Andrew Adey, Managing Director, outlines, “We are already seeing tenders coming in, simply because we are in the latter stages of the fit for nuclear journey and passed various audits and quality checks.” In addition to getting the business ready for nuclear project tenders, Adey Steel Group has seen other benefits to adopting the scheme. Steelwork Giant gets Fit for Nuclear T “In working through the Fit For Nuclear programme we have noticed wider benefits throughout our business.” continued Andrew, “The journey has improved key processes within our business and seen us revising core polices as well as benefiting from a positive culture change.” The process involves a capability questionnaire, online assessment, site visits, creating an action plan along with support from nuclear specialists and advisors. With previous experience supporting the nuclear sector, Adey Steel Group are keen to build on this knowledge and develop into this growing area. Branching out into the nuclear sector follows a successful period for the company which has recently secured supply to a range of high profile projects, including steelwork to Crossrail, London, as well as continuing their ongoing relationship with Network Rail.