Build October 2016 NEW

Build Magazine 60 Sustainability & Eco ARP Associates and Geotechnical are one of the leading developer focussed consultants in the UK. Operate from a strategic base in the North, which allows a national footprint for clients and projects, ARP Associates have fully established pre and post planning service lines that can take sites through the full planning and development life-cycle – from due diligence and initial site assessment, through full coordination of planning applications and Environmental Impact Assessment, through to construction review. atthew Stokes provides a comprehensive breakdown of the services provided by ARP: “we provide expertise and knowledge in Project Management, Building Surveying, Geotechnical and Geochemical Investigations and reporting, Geo-environmental Investigations and reporting, Topographical Surveys, Infrastructure Design, Specialist Foundation Design, Refurbishments and Flood Risk Assessments, all of which complement the core business of Civil & Structural Engineering. “At ARP,” he mentions, “our professional team have a common aim and purpose which is to create environmentally sustainable developments with a sense of community at its heart.” Positive engagement with the client and key stakeholders is vital to understanding the basis of any concerns and ensuring the project starts in a position of open trust and everyone is working to a positive outcome. ARP maximises and communicates the wider benefits the scheme can deliver to the community and explore opportunities for amenity improvements with the local community. In addition, the right people talking to the action groups, stakeholder representatives and wider community at the earliest stage is imperative, Matthew stresses the virtues of ARP’s methods in achieving this. “Presentations and workshops are held with key stakeholders throughout the project to seek feedback and keep all parties informed of developments as the project evolves. We work closely with local authority officers to address concerns and provide appropriate mitigation common to all areas. Efficiency, Safety, Responsibility M “We assess and understand the position of local council elected members. Overall we will consider what is needed for positive outcomes to move parties from a potential position of opposition to support. We also promote less formal events such as exhibitions in public areas and site walkovers to the site and surrounds. “In our experience these type of events can often capture feedback which would have remained silent had the right, informal forum not been available at which those views could be aired. Site visits are also invaluable in putting issues into perspective and encouraging enthusiastic participation.” As the firm’s sustainability and flood risk specialist, he himself is a global thought leader in Water Sensitive Urban Design and Place-making. “Such participation in the wider industry is something that ARP throw themselves into, willingly and with every intention of coming away from having changed the industry in some way. “We actively encourage our staff to attend and participate in conferences and share our knowledge across the industry,” Matthew describes. Holding true to his word, Matthew has addressed a number of conferences over the past two years. These include CIWEM, where he spoke on European Flood Risk Management, as well as the World Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation, addressing the matter of Water Sensitive Urban Design. He has also lectured at Manchester Metropolitan University on Water Sensitive Urban Design, and the University of Huddersfield on catchment dynamics. Matthew also co-authored ‘Visioning a Water Sensitive Yorkshire’, which aims to show how innovative spatial planning and good building design can reconnect the communities of Yorkshire with their water scape and how water can be utilised for place-making opportunities. In addition to addressing our peers, ARP also try to influence and guide the next generation of engineers; “for example, in October, we are spending time in a local primary school, leading a practical lesson on tower building. Children are often the most receptive members of our society, with school site visits and presentations a valuable tool of disseminating information not only between their peer groups but also with their parents. Promotion of environmental, health and safety and sustainability issues can be included at the same time. “As we have both pre- and post-planning service lines, we believe the synergies we can offer, between planners, environmental scientists, engineers and contractors, can provide exciting new opportunities and considerable efficiencies for developers. We aim to challenge our clients by exposing them to new best processes and procedures in the industry by meeting with our client’s senior staff. These meetings showcase innovations that are occurring both nationally and globally that may be incorporated into client’s procedures to obtain higher efficiencies and quality. This is a no-cost benefit.” Establishing effective liaisons with the wider industry, as well as creating meaningful public outreach, are both