Build October 2016 NEW

Build Magazine 61 Sustainability & Eco especially important concepts to Matthew and to ARP, because in recent years, public opinion and the media has tended to describe the need for more investment in flood defences and other traditional infrastructure; this is particularly evidenced in the aftermath of flood events, such as those recently observed across the North of England over Christmas 2015. However, is there a more sustainable, alternative, less intrusive solution that provides a suitable level of protection and at the same time provides added environmental benefits? Human intervention in the form of flood protection schemes provide protection to some and reduce the overall impact. However, not everyone can be offered the protection needed. And in this time of limited budgets coupled with our wider sustainability goals should we be turning our focus to climate adaptation and community resilience rather than the traditional route of ‘grey- infrastructure’ and permanent defences? Both Local and Central Government budgets are under strict scrutiny in all areas, not just flood risk management; therefore, according to Matthew, as the requirement for increased partnership funding and improved cost benefit analysis comes more into play, firms within this increasingly important industry need to develop more innovate, holistic and adaptive ways of living with our natural system. As he describes in elaborate, professional detail, • “Natural Flood Risk Management (NFRM) and Eco-system services in the uplands would employ techniques that work with natural characteristics of the catchment and reduce flood magnitude downstream. These techniques include the restoration, enhancement and alteration of catchment features which would naturally attenuate flood flows. • “Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). Such a technique considers how landscapes and buildings – can be designed to capture, treat, store and re-supply water locally to minimise pollution impacts, reduce urban flooding and to make the built environment more resilient to climate change. • “Tools such as the United Nations Disaster Resilience Scorecard can be used to test the resilience of an area or group of communities to climate change and natural disasters to ensure residents are educated and have an understanding of the potential risks. The deployment of resources at the correct time and to the correct areas to try and minimise the potential impact.” Overall, Matthew believes that a longer term solution must be sought in order to provide sustainability going forward, which might involve avoiding the need for building bigger and bigger flood walls, and potentially disconnecting the river environment from the community environment. On the part of ARP, Matthew sees their role as being a leading one; by employing global thought leaders, they have already achieved such a universal standard of service that Matthew is unable to single out a particularly standout project, as to call that one a success would be to discredit the fact that all of the firm’s projects have been consistently delivered to the highest specification. This, he believes is the key to ARP one day becoming the leading developer-focussed consultant in the UK. “Our approach is to involve our full spectrum of engineering and environmental staff from inception, starting with a joint site visit to understand the existing environment and its opportunities. We work with stakeholders and communities to encourage inclusiveness throughout the appraisal and design process by holding design workshops at key stages of projects. These help us understand what local people consider to be good outcomes, to test our ideas and designs and to agree the design objectives/desired outcomes. Flood: Come Rain or Shine “Further workshops ensure that the emerging design delivers in line with these initial objectives and outcomes (and others that are identified during appraisal). This interactive design development approach forms an integral part of our environmental assessment and project work, by ensuring that desired outcomes are translated into assessment criteria and incorporated into metrics for option selection. “This approach creates exciting, innovative, creative and sensitive design solutions which benefit local communities, but are backed by thorough appraisal and efficient, safe design.” Company: ARP ASSOCIATES Name: Matthew Stokes Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: 5/6 Northwest Business Park, Servia Hill, Leeds, LS6 2QH, UK Telephone: 0113 245 8498