Build October 2016 NEW

Build Magazine 65 Sustainability & Eco Taking their nickname in the sector of ‘the Consultant’s Consultant’ in their stride, UK Flood Barriers strive to provide flood expertise at the point where it matters, when the project is under initial consideration. Maintaining their hegemony of the industry, Frank and his firm find themselves involved in a lot of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programs with their clients and other architectural companies; two new facilities in the UK, as well as a training facility to create new experts in the industry, are further demonstrations of Frank’s ambition. “I want local companies to be able to provide flood defence solutions within their area,” Frank explains, “because that will give people confidence for the future, and will be a great boon to the local economy besides.” Frank explicitly refers to the government policy of recent years, when the Conservative Government under David Cameron announced plans to give £5000 to every flooded property in the Lower Thames and South-East area as well as Cumbria; Frank candidly points out that this ‘famine and feast’ solution is in fact disruptive to the growth of the sector. “There is no incentive for property owners to protect their homes from floods, if they know that they can rely upon the government,” he explains. In order to prevent a certain ‘cowboy element’ from setting in, Frank’s alternate proposal to the government entails a £2000 grant to any home in a flood-risk area, with the intention of it being spent on flood defences. “I am a big believer in standards,” Frank states passionately. “With flood defence, you don’t really get a second chance. And if flood defence is going to be the fastest-growing construction sector for the next generation - on an international scale – what needs to happen is that we learn the lessons from more established sectors: UPVC and doors, as well as the ‘Green Agenda’.” As if to prove Frank’s point, while the most recent spate of floods in the UK was a further demonstration of the progress that needs to be made in the UK flood defence sector, the new Cockermouth flood barrier, built according to plans by Frank and his team, was fully effective, and a riverside road in the Cumbrian town that has in previous years been the victim of floods was left virtually unscathed. Company: UK Flood Barriers Name: Frank Kelly Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: 9a Wassage Way, Hampton Lovett Industrial Estate, Droitwich, Worcestershire, WR9 0NX Telephone: 01905 773 282 Flooding: Come Rain or Shine