BUILD April 2017

BUILD / April 2017 23 Improving Your Lifestyle g The future of the industry Arjan thinks we are on the cusp of some drastic changes in design and aesthetics. Interior design changes very slowly, so he thinks these changes will be slowly implemented over the years to come. To him, the whole ‘open plan living’ concept will be redefined in the future. He has never been a fan of total open plan living, and he thinks a lot of clients also see the disadvantage of it after having lived in open plan homes for a while. His personal view is that each room has a function and purpose, and while we try to blend these functions – some sense of separation will start becoming the norm. For Arjan’s projects, he can see more semi open plan features, featuring dedicated areas for work and study, relaxation and cooking. He started using back an enfilade approach to kitchens, bedrooms and master suites, and he believes this will be the major trend in interior architecture. Large areas that can be divided up if needed to create purpose build areas. Living in a land scarce country like Singapore – space becomes a luxury, so Arjan thinks people will want to maximise their space and find innovate solutions towards furniture, storage and multi-function rooms. Future aspirations for Aiden T Arjan would really like to expand the company with some new staff – ideally, designers that have a complementary design approach and aesthetic, so the company can be full rounded. This would enable him to focus on designs that appeal to him and strengthen my knowledge and push boundaries within my designs. Personally, Arjan would like to shift from pure interior architecture and design to integrate elements how people can enhance their overall wellbeing through interior design. His aspirations for Aiden T is to become a brand that people are looking for not only to design their homes, but to improve their lifestyle.