BUILD September 2017
32 BUILD / September 2017 , StormWater Interceptor StormPal Inc. was first established in 2006 and this year were awarded the Leader inWater Filtration andMaintenance, Ontario as part of the BUILD 2017 Business Excellence Awards. To celebrate, Gavin Swift, President and CEO and DarrinMcMullin, VP Operations both provide a compelling insight into the firm’s remarkable StormWater Interceptor (Canadian Patent #2,561,763 US Patent #7,314,549) product. Storm Pal Inc. has developed and patented the ‘Storm Pal Interceptor’ (SPI), which is designed to remove deleterious substances from storm sewer effluent prior to discharge to city sewer systems and receiving water bodies (refer to Figures 1a and 1b). The SPI has proven effective at removing debris and sediments, while substantially reducing the concentrations of petroleum products and total suspended solids present in storm water effluent. The goal of Storm Pal Inc. is to enhance the quality of storm water effluent being discharged into streams, rivers and lakes to protect aquatic environments and preserve fisheries for future generations. The company currently has two offices in Thunder Bay and Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In nature, rainwater is used by vegetation to sustain life or filtered by the ground, prior to reaching outfall locations. However, in cases where natural filtration is not possible, as in the case of roads, parking lots and driveways, runoff enters storm water or combined sewer systems that eventually drains into receiving bodies. This water contains both sediments and impurities that impact water quality and destroy fish habitat. Within Canada, regulations concerning discharges to receiving water bodies are set by various government agencies such as Environment Canada, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, as well as individual Municipalities. Ultimate responsibility for establishing local storm water discharge guidelines rests with the municipalities in the form of by-laws. Municipalities are also responsible for issuing new construction permits, related to both commercial developments and sub-divisions, that demand the installation of storm water interceptor systems. Consistent with regulatory requirements and recently issued municipal construction permits, Storm Pal Inc. has installed several SPI’s in various locations throughout Ontario including London, Ottawa, Windsor, Chatham and Thunder Bay. The company is now looking to expand operations to other cities and provinces within Canada, as well as the United States and overseas. As result, Storm Pal Inc. is actively seeking partners to assist with expansion of the firm, including investors, concrete manufactures and distributors. How the Storm Pal System operates and what sets it apart from other storm water interceptors There are several reasons why the SPI has an advantage over competing storm water interceptor treatment systems, including the following: 1. Simplicity – The SPI is a duel chamber system that is constructed using standard manholes and piping. Initial treatment of the storm water effluent occurs within chamber #1, which is designed to capture any large particles and debris. The primary treatment chamber also removes a large quantity of suspended solids, as well as ‘free phase’ petroleum and grease that may enter the storm sewer system (refer to Figure 1a). The secondary treatment tank is a polishing chamber, whereby any suspended solids or deleterious material not captured by the chamber #1 is then captured within chamber #2 prior to discharge from the system. 2. Easy to install – Standard AutoCad drawings and specifications of the SPI are provided by Storm Pal Inc. based on the planned development. SPI’s are easier to install and maintain than other storm interceptors for the following reasons: a) Parts can be readily obtained from local pre-cast concrete company’s and plumbing wholesalers; 1709BU02 Figure #1b
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