BUILD September 2017

50 BUILD / September 2017 , key role in the development of the company. The principle of promo- tion from within our company is fundamental to how we operate, as it provides opportuni-ties for all of our staff to progress. “However, we knew that if we were to realise the aims that we had defined, we needed knowl- edge and skills that were not in the business. “So we recruited new staff with specific and expert capabilities, as well as a number of graduate engineers that would help the company achieve its aims. These staff brought fresh ideas and enthusiasm that have contributed to making us what we are today. “Finally, we had an awareness that as a SME we were at a disadvantage to larger compa- nies who had access to greater levels of industry information and professional advice. To counter this we obtained memberships of industry bodies such as the Association for Consultancy and Engineering (ACE), Associ- ation for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Specialists (AGS), Environmental Industries Commission (EIC), Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), Institute of Directors (IoD), Society of Brown- field Risk Assessment (SoBRA), Green Growth Platform (GGP) and CL:AIRE. “Our memberships play a key role in supporting the direction of our organisation, providing access to the latest developments in leg- islation, industry leading training and a vehicle to raise our views on issues affecting our industry. We asked Glyn whether he thought these measures had been successful. “The numbers are impressive. Back in 2010 we had 11 staff and £1.1M Turnover. In 2017 we now have 20 staff and £2.6M Turnover. We now have have an office presence in Bristol and Birmingham, as well as our Head Office in Hurstpierpoint to the north of Brighton. I am proud of that achievement. “We are also actively involved in many of the organisations that we are members of, having one of our Director’s on the board of the ACE in the role of SME Chairman and Chairing a steer- ing group for the Green Growth Platform. “Our senior staff regularly par- ticipate in EIC and ACE working groups. So not only do we re- ceive important information from these organisations, but through them we also have the opportu- nity to influence the direction that the industry is taking. However, we are not complacent. We are aware that we are still operating in a difficult and uncer- tain market and are that now we have created such an excellent team, we have to ensure that we keep that team together. “On this latter point, we believe that flexible working will become increasingly more important in the workplace . “The IT platform for remote work- ing that we have put in place, enables staff to work as if they were in the office from anywhere. “We now have 60% of the workforce working from home for some or all of the week, which helps immeasurably with worklife balance for our staff. “Whilst this is an important ben- efit, flexible working has a much more fundamental role to play in the construction industry. It is my belief that efforts to drive greater diversity and inclusion within the workforce are not possible with- out it and attracting all members of society into the industry will be essential for its long term health and prosperity. It was clear how important Glyn thought Geo-Environmental’s staff are to the success of the company. Glyn elaborated on this. “It is an overused cliche that a company’s staff are their most important asset, but in a busi- ness where your core deliverable is professional advice that is most definitely the case. “To ensure that our staff are up to date with the latest industry developments, we have devel- oped a structured and continuous training programme. “We also encourage and support all staff in working towards and achieving chartered status, improving their qualifications and gaining new skills. “To support this we have as- signed a dedicated budget for training and through the appraisal process, set objectives aimed at promoting personal improvement - which are reviewed bi-annually. There is a generous bonus worth up to 10% of salary for staff who can meet their objectives. “After all if you have spent time and money in developing staff, you don’t want to lose them. “In addition to this we have introduced further measures to support and reward our staff. We recently launched our corporate benefits platform. This gives our staff access to private medical care, a confidential employee as- sistance programme, preferential rates for car leasing and a range of IT products, a bikes for work scheme and a range of discount shopping and dining offers. “By creating an environment where staff feel that they have the opportunity to develop their skills are supported, valued, rewarded and have avenues for career progression, we hope to ensure that we continue to enjoy the low levels of staff turnover that we have experienced to date. Continuing the theme of success, Geo-Environmental Services Limited were recently selected in the Business Excellence Awards, claiming the title Leading Experts in Engineering Consultancy. Discussing the firm’s accolade, Glyn describes to us what it means for both him and the firm to have won this award, but also highlighting the ways the compa- ny create innovative solutions to maintain their success. “When we heard the news, we were delighted. As we have discussed, we want to viewed as providing the highest standard of Geotechnical and Geo-Envi- ronmental Consultancy services. Being recognised for industry awards is a sign that you are meeting the standards that you are aiming for. In closing, Glyn reveals what the future has in store for Geo- Envi- ronmental Services Limited. “There is some uncertainty over the next 12 months, with the fu- ture of what environmental legis- lation will and will not be retained as a result of the ongoing Brexit negotiations. It is also uncertain how the industry will be impacted by the Brexit negotiations. Until we have more detail on these ne- gotiations, it is very difficult to say just how we would be affected – positively or negatively. Longer term, we expect the future to be brighter.