Build Infrastructure Awards 2017
Build 2017 Infrastructure Awards 22 nyScale is the developer and provider of the unique QuickScale solution, which offers users the chance to calculate areas and measurements from PDFs with ease. Leanne explains the innovative nature of this remarkable software and the benefits it provides for customers. “QuickScale was originally designed for the person who works from home, who would not have IT departments on hand or much PC knowledge. We kept the system simple and to date have not increased our prices since we began trading in 2011. Because of this, we now also have many large international companies using QuickScale on a daily basis. “To ensure that we always provide the service they need, we focus on customer support and take this extremely seriously. Once a customer purchases QuickScale, they will be able to use it indefinitely and we are available for help and support as long as they need us, at no extra cost. We believe that the customer should be helped as and when a situation occurs which is why we put a mobile number on our website. We don’t think they should log a support call and wait for a response.” Ultimately, although QuickScale was designed for the building and construction industry, it has also become popular with ship building and marine insurance, event planning, CCTV and communications, ie any type of business that would calculate areas and measurements from a pdf drawing or photograph. Leanne outlines how this unique software will pave the way for AnyScale’s future success. “Fundamentally, the majority of our business comes from repeat purchases, word of mouth referrals, existing customers expanding or their staff members leaving and moving to a new company or starting up on their own. QuickScale is also integrated into other types of estimating packages. They use QuickScale for the basic take off and the dimensions are exported directly into other estimating software. “In the old days drawings were posted out to the subcontractor and measured with a scale rule. Today drawings are emailed as a pdf and are not always to scale or do not have any scale at all. They have to be sent to a printer or 3rd party to have them printed to scale and this happens every time the drawings are revised or amended. With QuickScale, the user needs one known measurement, like a door width or parking space. They click on Best PDF Measurement Software: QuickScale AnyScale Ltd. develop and sell QuickScale, an innovative software designed for taking areas and measure- ments off pdf drawings, to the building and construction industry. We caught up with Leanne Mitchell to find out more. A IA170005 Company: AnyScale Ltd. Contact: Leanne Mitchell Contact Email:
[email protected] Address: 42 Copperfields Way, Harold Wood, Romford, RM3 0XE, UK Phone: 7791550167 Web Address: the beginning and end of that known measurement, type in the distance and QuickScale will scale the pdf for that particular paper size. From then on, you click on the points and corners of the areas and measurements and the program will give you all the dimensions. “Customer are amazed at how quickly they understand and can use QuickScale. We’re often told by new free trial users that they think they need to set aside a couple of hours where they can sit quietly and focus on the software. They are very pleased to discover that they can start their take off almost immediately and moving forward we are keen to continue to innovate and work with a wide range of clients.”
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