Build Interior Design Awards 2017

Build 2017 Interior Design Awards 10 trategy Plus is a strategic workplace consultancy and interior design team within AECOM, whose workplace strategists and designers enable clients to capitalise on a vital dynamic that drives organisational performance: the relationship between people and the design of physical place. Jason explains that the firm’s approach is informed by a deep understanding of the changing nature of work, both globally and locally, and is applied successfully across a range of sectors. “AECOM’s overall brand promise is that we are ‘built to deliver a better world’. Our work demonstrates that strategy, design and changes involving people and place can deliver tangible and sustainable business value. Our solutions are derived through evidence and an ability to really listen to the aspirations and practical concerns of our clients. In Strategy Plus and Interiors, we focus on research into the changing nature of work and its impact on people, place and performance at every scale. We forecast the future of work and deliver measurable business benefits to our clients; we do this by integrating research, strategy and design, and constantly thinking about the changing nature of work. “Our team includes people from a wide range of backgrounds, from architects and interior designers to product designers, psychologists and change managers. This mix of skills means that there are a broad range of perspectives and experiences feeding into every project that we deliver. It’s been 17 years since I started out in interior design, and I’ve been lucky enough to be part of this dynamic team at AECOM for the past 10, working alongside some exceptionally talented people. Every member has helped shape the team and we have delivered some fantastic award-winning projects for our clients. It is only right to mention some of our dedicated designers here, including Terry Gunnery, Gavin Hughes, Michael Kinney, Aimee Collville, James Merchant, Ailin Lacey and Mariko Raouf. There is not enough space to mention all, but everyone has contributed massively to the success of the team and they are all hugely important. “We consistently draw on our heritage as a team in our work; one of our legacy companies was DEGW, a pioneering organisation that changed the world of workplace strategy and design over 40 years ago. We constantly strive to continue that spirit of innovation and thought leadership. We design from the inside out, always starting with understanding the client. We work closely with end user organisations to understand their business objectives, which can include increased efficiency, driving innovation or culture change. “We capture these objectives through interviews and workshops with senior leaders, often at C-suite level. A visioning session may also be required to confirm the direction for the project and establish buy-in and sponsorship at senior level. Engagement with staff is just as important as engagement with leaders, with staff engagement achieved through an online opinion survey, workshops and observational studies. We have two observational studies; the first captures hard evidence on space utilisation that can be important if space efficiency is a driver, and the second captures softer evidence on how people work and behave in the environment. “A research based approach to design is critical when managing change; people are not averse to change if they are involved in the process, but can react badly to being changed without appropriate engagement. Our staff are very experienced in communication and change management, many have psychology, anthropology and architectural backgrounds. Our process is highly interactive, as we focus on creating a positive change environment that will stick and avoid ‘the grass growing back’.” Jason notes that both the public and the private sectors are currently experiencing a time of highly dynamic change. He believes there are numerous factors for this, including the economy, new types of challenges and staffing. “All of these points are having a significant impact on the work environment and mean that familiar and traditional ways of working are being revised Best International Workplace Design Company 2017 & Best UK Office Project: Rolls-Royce: Trent XWB Project Hall AECOM is built to deliver a better world; the firm designs, builds, finances and operates infrastructure assets for governments, businesses and organisations in more than 150 countries. As a fully integrated firm, AECOM connects knowledge and experience across its global network of experts to help clients solve their most complex challenges. From high-performance buildings and infrastructure, to resilient communities and environments, the firm’s work is transformative, differentiated and vital, and Head of Interiors – UK & Ireland, Jason Stubbs, was eager to tell us more. S ID170025 Company: AECOM Name: Jason Stubbs, Head of Interiors UK & Ireland. Web Address: Address: Aldgate Tower, 2 Leman Street, London E1 8FA