Sustainable Building Awards 2017

26 BUILD / Sustainable Building Awards 2017 , Building Performance Experts of the Year 2017 Yonder Limited are an experienced teamof Building Physics Engineers delivering innovative design solutions to provide buildings with an inherently low energy demand. We invited Rob Gill to tell us more about the company and find out the secrets behind its success. Yonder Limited believe a building should consume no more energy than it can potentially generate using building integrated renewables technology, and aim towards this with a strong emphasis on the utilisation of Design simulation modelling (DSM). The firm’s clients are made up of Project Managers, main contractors, developers and architects who look to the firm for pioneering and inventive, cost saving solutions. Within the sustainable building market, Rob outlines the work that the firm undertakes, as well as listing the specific clients that he wants to highlight. “As BREEAM Accredited Professionals, we are able to contribute significantly during the design process, providing support and advice, with the outcome being an increase to the final BREEAM score. For example, the work we have done with Winvic has enabled us to provide solutions and guidance resulting in an outstanding/ excellent rating being awarded to many of the clients’ projects. “The company are also accredited energy assessors providing Part Compliance/ EPC advice on new build and refurbishment projects. We offer a range of Building Regulation compliance services for assessment of construction on commercial CO2 emissions compliance” Regarding the sustainable building sector, Rob highlights some of the specific opportunities that arise from working on the projects. Being able to provide predictions around new ideas, the firm can contribute to innovative solutions in terms of energy and cost saving opportunities. We recently worked on the Rushden Lakes Phase 1 Net Zero Energy Buildings, both the boat house and the visitors centre. These buildings are designed to operate at no energy cost to the tenants, with the focus on human comfort first. Natural daylight was maximised using full height glazing, lighting energy reduced with day LED lighting and daylight linked dimming technology, solar heat gain and glare reduced by the use of external shading. The building operates predominately as a naturally ventilated building with mechanical ventilation and then cooling used in a mixed mode system to ensure thermal comfort and indoor air quality are achieved at the lowest possible energy cost. High efficiency heat pumps systems provide the heating, cooling and hot water, reducing the energy by up to 75% over the year. Solar photovoltaic panels have been provided to supply the remaining building energy, with the aim being a net zero energy consumption building – i.e. no energy bills. “The infrastructure provided by the construction and built environment industry offers the foundation for all other economic activity. The UK faces a number of difficult challenges including energy security, carbon and waste reduction together with resource efficiency. “We are placing more emphasis on Fluid Dynamics to improve environments. Microclimates are influenced by the interactions of people, buildings, internal/ external airflow together with climate. Using CFD we can assist designers in achieving optimal ventilation within the building design which could take the form of more permeable buildings or creation of cross ventilation corridors.” There are many trends appearing within the sustainable building market, Rob tells us how Yonder is adapting to these trends. With clients becoming more energy aware, the firm are constantly working with them to develop the most effective solutions for their buildings. “As time goes on, our clients are becoming more aware of energy efficiency and the benefits of passive design as opposed to just achieving a ‘green badge’ by installation of renewable energy without first considering how to reduce energy demand. We are constantly working with our clients to develop the most effective passive solutions for their buildings.” Based in Leeds, Rob discusses what benefits there are to working in the sector, as well as listing some of the challenges that the company face within the industry. With sustainable development becoming increasingly important for many companies, Rob discusses how it is sometimes hard to get the message across to clients that sustainable building does not necessarily mean higher construction costs. “In 1987 the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations defined it this way, “sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. “Clients are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability and the many benefits associated. Our expertise and experience means we are ideally placed to SU170017