Recycling & Waste Management Awards 2022 BUILD 2022 Recycling & Waste Management Awards

BUILD Real Estate & Property Awards 2022 2 ABOUT THE RECYCLING & WASTE MANAGEMENT AWARDS 2022 BUILD is proud to place live our Recycling and Waste Management Awards, running for the fifth consecutive year! As the international Waste Management market continues to grow yearon-year, the Recycling and Waste Management Awards 2022 aim to shine a light on the frontrunners and innovators within this essential field. Recent societal changes including rapid industrialisation, multiplying population, and steady economic development, have led to an exponential increase in waste production across the globe. As a result, the Recycling and Waste Management industry has had to expand and evolve in order to adequately deal with these rising volumes. This, combined with the growing focus on sustainable methods for waste disposal, has led to the adoption of a circular approach to manufacturing and technical processes in the sector. Many institutions and governments around the world have now made commitments to netzero outcomes across construction, transport, infrastructure, and more. This presents a challenge to the Waste Management industry, but can also be a lucrative opportunity to those at the forefront of industrial advancement and scientific innovation in the field. Sofi Bajor, Senior Editor Website: AI Global Media, Ltd. (AI) takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the information on this web site. However, AI will not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness or completeness of any information that is available through this web site. If errors are brought to our attention, we will try to correct them. The information available through the website and our partner publications is for your general information and use and is not intended to address any particular finance or investment requirements. In particular, the information does not constitute any form of advice or recommendation by us or any of our partner publications and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making or refraining from making any investment or financial decisions. Appropriate independent advice should be obtained before making any such decision. Any arrangement made between you and any third party named in the site is at your sole risk and responsibility.

Real Estate & Property Awards 2022 BUILD 3 Contents 4. Mediarecycling BV: Best Overstock Disc & Vinyl Recycling Company - Northern Europe 6. Earthworm Soil Factory: Leading Specialists in Agricultural Soil Amendments - USA 7. West Coast Waste Industries: Best Recycling & Waste Management Company - Central America 8. New Research from the Professor at the SKEMA Business School Published in the Journal of Consumer Research Explains the Limits to Neoliberal Waste Management 10. Lawn Care Expert Shares Advice on How to Make Lawn Care Recycling Easy

BUILD Recycling & Waste Management Awards 2022 4 Oct22523 iving in an ever increasingly digital world, many people are finding they no longer have a use for their CDs, vinyl, or DVDs. Streaming services allow access to movies, TV shows, and music, so they don’t see the point in continuing to store their CDs, vinyl, and DVDs. Compact discs no longer have any value which makes them not worth selling, so what else are you to do with them? Recycle them, of course. Why should compact discs be recycled? Well, they are harmful to the environment. By melting CDs, poisonous chemicals can be released into water supplies, threatening human life. Also it’s another thing added to the landfill pile, which pollutes the ground and soil and intoxicates the air. The longer a CD remains on the land, the more carcinogenic materials such as styrene and benzene are released. Moreover, CDs comprise valuable materials such as metals, polycarbonate, gold, aluminium, and more which can be extracted and reused to create new products. Mediarecycling is on a mission to put a stop to such damage to the environment and human life. It is a company that destroys CDs, vinyl, and DVDs for global companies across Spain, Germany, the UK, Belgium, and the Netherlands, including Cinram, Warner Music Group, Warner Bros, Universal, and Arvato Logistique Services. It carries its work out to the highest standards, grinding 650,000 CDs, vinyl, and DVDs per day, which makes that 9.5 million units per month. Afterwards, the ground plastic can be reused to create products such as flowerpots, trays, and clothes hangers, which means zero waste. Not only does the company ensure there is no waste, but its process is 100% wind energy certified, meaning it works double One of the leading and most specialised media recycling companies in Europe, Mediarecycling BV has so far spent 16 years destroying 160 million CDs, vinyl, and DVDs to keep them from ending up on landfill. In light of the company’s extraordinary success within the Recycling and Waste Management Awards 2022, we take a closer look at how its striving to save the planet with each CD, vinyl, and DVD it destroys. L to reduce CO2 emissions. This makes it is the greenest solution for the issue that is CD, vinyl, and DVD waste. Mediarecycling also works with a large well-known transport company that collects CDs, vinyl, and DVDs that are no longer wanted throughout Europe. It then receives confirmation on the items received with details including weight, volume, date, and location. Transport is then secured from door to door in a sealed transport container. Next, the items are kept in a secured storage area with a certified collector. The whole process of destroying the items is monitored by four security cameras, and clients are able to access the footage, too, with login codes provided on request. Ultimately, it’s easy to see what makes Mediarecycling the ‘Best Overstock Disc & Vinyl Recycling Company’ in Northern Europe, with its dedication towards preserving the environment through significantly reducing the number of CDs, vinyl, and DVDs that end up in landfill. The company is showing no signs of stopping, either, as it continues to show the rest of the world the positive impact recycling has and how it is done. Company: Mediarecycling BV Contact: Joop de Bie Email: [email protected] Website: Best Overstock Disc & Vinyl Recycling Company - Northern Europe

6 BUILD Recycling & Waste Management Awards 2022 Nov22454 arthworm Soil Factory’s entire business operation at its current facility, built upon 300 acres, with a 21,000 square foot production building and 9,000 square foot retail showroom, has been founded on a simple concept; without compromise, create the best, biologically healthy, living soil! Strictly following this principle has aided the growth of millions of plants and growth of the business. The very crux of Earthworm Soil Factory is its passion for creating “Healthy Soil for Healthy Plants for Healthy People” Vermicomposting is a process of breaking green waste down into a highly nutrient biologically rich soil with the help of the humble earthworm. By using earthworms we can guarantee a natural process that promotes organic biological development of soil, and good health in people consuming the products that have grown from this lush soil. “We have focused on making soils from diverted green waste because it is what we refer to as the “Natural Process” of things. The green waste in nature would be reincorporated back into the soil over time to naturally enrich the soil, we are simply facilitating that process and expediting the benefits by the addition of our worm castings to the organic matter.” – Larry Royal Earthworm Soil Factory’s team is built on the very foundation of trust, integrity, respect, and a dedication to its family feel. Working together makes each passing day a more wholesome, enjoyable, and happy moment that ultimately helps the company to operate smoothly – in order to generate the best quality soil on the market in the USA. Earthworm Soil Factory recently took on a large Hydroseeding project for a municipality, requiring a huge scale of quality control for consistency in particle size and moisture. Not only were high volumes of quality soil required in a timely manner, but it was needed hundreds of miles away. Earthworm Soil Factory’s team pulled out all the stops in order to make this project work, and it has never felt stronger. Winning a Zoney Award from RMDZ in 2005, Earthworm Soil Factory was recognised for its green waste management and processing in just a short time after its birth. Earthworm Soil Factory has now won Leading Specialists in Agricultural Soil Amendments in the USA, and we couldn’t be happier to present it with yet another title in the Recycling and Waste Management Awards. For the future, Owners, Karen and Larry Royal, after more than 20 years are retiring. They are passing the legacy, principles and unyielding drive for quality that make Earthworm Soil Factory a leader in the industry over to Daniela and Lyle Ferguson in 2023. Earthworm Soil Factory is guaranteed to be in good hands, and it will continue to produce top-tier products to keep the earth, and us, as healthy as can be. Contact: Daniela or Lyle Ferguson Company: Earthworm Soil Factory Web Address: E Leading Specialists in Agricultural Soil Amendments - USA Methods such as vermicomposting have many benefits for soil, plants, and us. Providing a living biological element to the soil, this method of waste management turns green waste into soil that can be used to produce the highest quality plants for a better, healthier future. When it comes to waste management, Earthworm Soil Factory has been providing top-quality products to the agricultural industry for 20 years. Here we look at Earthworm Soil Factory as it wins an enviable title in the Recycling and Waste Management Awards, for the second year running.

7 Recycling & Waste Management Awards 2022 BUILD Nov22302 Best Recycling & Waste Management Company - Central America Paper, cardboard, and plastic are some of the biggest problems we face in the modern world. With a huge amount of waste, it is imperative that we find ways to recycle for a greener, and more fruitful, future. West Coast Waste Industries’ (WCW) spirit was forged in 1994 by an entrepreneur looking to make his mark on the world. Today, decades later, WCW has become a huge part of the community in Costa Rica “West Coast Waste Industries was born in Glendale, Los Angeles, California in 1994, when a visionary man concerned about the environment decided to create a private company that would be responsible for recovering and processing valuable materials for recycling.” Paper, cardboard, and plastic waste is an issue across all of society. From every corner of the world, we see masses of this waste in our bins, on our streets, and in our bodies of water. It is time to transform the world of waste as we know it. West Coast Waste Industries’ (WCW) has built a special relationship with the world through its dedication to keeping us clean, healthy, and eco-friendly. Being based in Colima de Tibás, in the old Plywood, WCW is in a central location with the power to be a pivotal change for the world. With a 5000 square meter warehouse and WCW’s team of 25 employees, it is able to process a massive amount of recycling waste every day. The team works like a well-oiled machine around the clock to manage and sort the recycling that comes through the doors of the warehouse. By taking what is no longer needed, and turning it into an opportunity for new life, WCW is eliminating the need for landfills everywhere. The innovative technologies used by WCW help its vision of transforming the current waste situation of the world into something more green and sustainable for future generations to come. Gaining much recognition over the years, “In June 2008 the American magazine “Calcontractor Magazine” published an article about the company, with the headline “Finding a niche in a Green Waste Recycling” telling the story of the company and its founders. In 2011 the company received a certificate of recognition from the company “Save the World” in which it is mentioned that they are members or associates of the same, contributing once again with the firm purpose of generating a culture of social responsibility in the world.” WCW has now won Best Recycling & Waste Management Company, Central America, in the Recycling and Waste Management Awards 2022. The entire company deserves recognition for the work that it has been doing since its extremely humble beginnings. West Coast Waste Industries believes in improving the world – and has been doing so since 1994! Contact: Kristian Federspiel Company: West Coast Waste Industries

BUILD Recycling & Waste Management Awards 2022 8 pathways (infrastructures or networks to move waste) that are inflexible and sometimes destructive. The authors define “household waste” as ordinary materials that lack emotional attachment and have not use or known purpose in the household. For example, empty plastic bottles, broken computers and old furniture. Keeping waste at home is usually condemned by the governments for hindering recycling and creating health and environmental hazards. “Waste not moved from households could accumulate, contaminate and further deteriorate, which negatively impact people’s health and ultimately the environment,” notes Cherrier and Türe. According to the research, “keeping—an act distinct from mere hoarding or storing—is an outcome of consumers’ inability to enact their (superimposing) waste responsibility and actively create alternative ways to move waste.” Under neoliberal governance, consumers are responsibilized to manage waste-related risks in various ways: by quickly eliminating waste to minimize risks of contamination, by recycling waste to contribute to sustainable economic growth, and by preventing waste from going to landfill to minimize ecological destruction. These waste responsibilities, if overlapping or contradicting with each other or other consumer responsibilities such as childcare or work, can confuse and overwhelm consumers. The researchers also demonstrate the tensions created by waste pathways, which are designed to move waste out of homes. To responsibly eliminate, circulate, or prevent waste, consumers need to have access to waste pathways via designated times and spaces. olicymakers and waste managers struggle with preventing the ever increasing level of waste wrongly discarded in nature, placed in inadequate garbage/recycling/compost bins, or lingering in consumers’ homes. This is usually considered as a failure of mobilizing consumers to take responsibility for properly managing their household waste. That’s the finding of a new study coming out soon in the Journal of Consumer Research, “Tensions in the Enactment of Neoliberal Consumer Responsibilization for Waste,” by Hélène Cherrier, SKEMA Business School Professor of Marketing, and Meltem Türe, assistant professor in Marketing at TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, Turkey. The Journal of Consumer research publishes empirical, methodological and theoretical papers on topics in consumer research. The multi-disciplinary journal encourages a variety of disciplinary perspectives, methods, theoretical approaches, and substantive problem areas. The study shows that consumers ignoring or rejecting their waste responsibilities may not always be the main reason for such challenges. The study reveals that many consumers are highly aware of their waste responsibilities and morally engaged and committed to following the various waste policies to responsibly manage their household waste. Despite such commitment, the researchers found that neoliberal waste governance leads consumers to keep waste in their homes by superimposing consumer waste responsibilities (i.e., eliminate waste to minimize contamination, recycle to help industrial growth; prevent waste to preserve the environment,), heightening fear of loss of control, and providing waste New Research from the Professor at the SKEMA Business School Published in the Journal of Consumer Research Explains the Limits to Neoliberal Waste Management A new study to be published in the prestigious publication by a Professor at the SKEMA Biusiness School in the Journal of Consumer Research, examines why consumers don’t dispose of the waste in their homes, and shows how that negatively impacts people’s health and the environment. P Sep22231

9 Recycling & Waste Management Awards 2022 BUILD Yet, consumers cannot always adjust their routines to the distinct times and locations with which waste pathways operate. Unclear guidance can also confuse consumers around how to best dispose of their waste. In other cases, consumers reject the designated pathways for their waste as it would impose waste destruction over possible waste reuses. To deal with such tensions, consumers resort to keeping waste at home and, effectively, suspend, clarify, or reappropriate their waste responsibility. The authors of the Journal of Consumer Research paper also discuss the implications of their research for waste management actors as well as consumer researchers interested in consumer governance and responsibilization, consumer activism, sustainability, and waste disposal. The authors argue that to facilitate the enactment of responsible waste practices, waste pathways need to maintain consistency in their design (e.g., locations, shapes, and color schemes for waste bins) and be flexible enough to accommodate household routines (e.g., flexible opening hours, customized pick-up times, hotlines for waste integration and intelligent bins for guidance). Smart technologies could also be used to provide simple verbal and visual cues to guide consumers about how pathways work and which pathways to use for specific waste. Finally, forming strong alliances among zero waste initiatives, businesses, brands, and consumer communities (e.g., upcycling groups, swap meets, repair networks, local exchange trace systems) could enhance waste reintegration which require the mobilization of multiple capabilities (e.g., chemistry, gardening, knitting, cooking, electronic maintenance and repair). Overall, the research highlights the need for more waste guidance and flexible waste pathways to decrease the level of waste kept at home and to help consumers effectively manage their household waste.

10 BUILD Recycling & Waste Management Awards 2022 Dead leaves and/or pine needles on the lawn can be can be mulched with a lawn mower back into the ground, raked, blown or sucked up. The choice can oftentimes depend on the quantity of leaves that exists. If the amount of leaves is not very much mulching is quicker and a more efficient leaf removal routine than picking them up. Mulched leaves left on the grass create a natural fertilizer, providing water and nitrogen. This takes away the worry about collecting leaves and disposing of them properly. The guidelines regarding grass clipping disposal applies the same to leaf disposal with regard to options, rules and regulations. Tree and shrub trimmings, branches and sticks will usually need to be picked up and disposed of. Most of these will have to be picked up by hand and placed in piles for disposal. Again, individual municipalities and/or homeowner’s associations have differing requirements about how, when and where to leave these items to be picked up from the curb. Some may require them to be bundled and tied with size limitations. Contact the local authorities on these matters so see what rules apply. Also, a professional lawn care service can be hired to pick up and/or haul away this type of refuse. Another option might be to call local recycling companies to inquire whether they are interested in picking up any lawn disposal items. There is also the option of buying a mulching machine and turning it into mulch to be used in the beds. In the end it is up to the individual to determine what is required and what they need or want to do. This list should provide general guidelines to help make a more informed decision. ver wonder what is the best thing to do with the grass clippings, shrub trimmings, leaves, branches, sticks, pine needles and other refuse that come from lawn maintenance? There are options and not everyone does the same thing or has the same needs or goals. If you are interested in what the options are and the benefits and/or drawbacks of each keep reading what the Fresh Lawn Care Service in Houston Experts have to say. Grass clippings can be left on the lawn or picked up. The easiest and most beneficial thing to do is to mulch the clippings back into the lawn. It is very good for your lawn in that it insulates the roots from the heat and hot sun and also helps the lawn retain moisture to withstand dry periods. Of course this is only if there are a normal amount of clippings. If the grass was overgrown and the clippings are unsightly then there are better options. The clippings will need to be blown, raked or sucked up into a mower or other lawn tool bag attachment. The next thing would be to determine how to dispose of these clippings. Most cities and municipalities have regulations regarding how to dispose of lawn waste if utilizing public trash collection at your home. Some homeowner’s associations have certain rules regarding the same issues. They can be particular about the disposal method regarding the color of the trash bin or bags to use and on what day and where to leave these items for disposal. Be sure to use city approved bags if required. There are also lawn care services who will pick up and/or remove the clippings for a haul away fee. “In addition to the many choices of what to do with the refuse from lawn maintenance there might even be an opportunity to make $ with it.” E Lawn Care Expert Shares Advice on How to Make Lawn Care Recycling Easy

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