Build Architecture Awards

Build Architecture Awards 2015 33 We are a multidisciplinary studio and do all kinds of creative activity within interiors, set-designs, festivals and constructions. As long as the idea is right we are willing to expand the horizon of our work field exten- sively. Our clients vary from private to commercial companies in Denmark and we are on the verge of expanding into other countries too. Alongside doing as much as we can in an environmentally friendly way, we try to con- stantly think outside of the box. Our biggest task is to convince the clients what works and how people interact with their surroundings. We try to do everything in a new way rather than the ordinary. In general we are good at looking into the client’s sphere, making them be a part of the process instead of just applying our own designs directly. On top of that we have found a niche in being a one- stop solution. From idea to finished product we do everything. With in-house production facilities and construction teams we are more flexible, faster and often more cost efficient than others. With the industry constantly evolving we have to keep up to speed with any emerging trends, this is paramount to our growth. We have a huge network and also more than 10 years of experience which backs us up and of course we therefor try to be on top of the industry. We are constantly evolving everyday as we do so many different kinds of projects at the same time. We like to class ourselves as the go to people for creative designs and with a good sense of how to construct and design we have an extra advantage in giving proposals and understand the different aspects of the whole process. We generally want to make the world a better place. In terms of our focus we are more into the creative part of the business rather than the financial. We strive to create fulfilled members of our organisation that are capable of being versatile. Our hierarchy is also very flat which makes our work relations better and creates more innovative and well thought out projects. Copenhagen, Denmark is a very challenging city to operate in with the budgets being so restricted. In addition the deadlines are often very unrealistic and so that is arguably our biggest challenge to overcome. In terms of opportunities for growth as we are quite unique in what we do we are encouraged about our future prospects. Winning the ‘Most Innovative Architect 2015’ award feels really good. It’s always nice to be rewarded for the time and effort you put into making the world a better place. We take a slightly different approach towards designing, combining both the creative and construction part of our projects. Right now the focus is on expanding our firm. We have recently moved into a new office and studio in Copenhagen which allows us to expand both our project and staff numbers. The next step will probably be to expand into Germany with an office in Hamburg. We are keen to take one step at a time for now, but things are looking good the next few years ahead. Most Innovative Architect 2015 – Denmark Arkitekturministeriet Company: Arkitekturministeriet - AMPD Name: Bo Benzon Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Otto Busses Vej 5A, Building 020, 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark