Build Architecture Awards

Build Architecture Awards 2015 38 The team of BF Architecture was founded in 2001 by Bobby Fogel. At BF Architecture we firmly believe every project deserves its own unique approach. Before calling on the creativity of our professionals we like to take a bird’s eye view of the project. We have found the best way of ensuring all of our client’s needs is to listen to their request and then form the research to get more information. From this point we can present different proposals and agree upon a suitable solution. We are big believers in an academic ap- proach to architecture. Even in small projects it pays off to go beyond the basics of the drawing board to lift designs to a higher level. Our ambition is to deliver haut-architecture every single time. Experience all over the world we have designed and built projects in Europe, the USA and the Middle East. This experience in working with different sets of rules and regulations, and cultural sensitivi- ties, helps us to deliver our projects on time and within the estimated budget. At BF Architecture we do try to implement simplicity, integrity, elegance and function- ality into every project we do. In terms of there being an ethos behind the company our message is quite straight forward our work environment should at all times remain pleasant, this in turn will motivate our team to achieve our goals. Whether it’s residential buildings, industri- al buildings, offices, museums or design furniture we can deliver a service above and beyond what you may have experi- enced before. Keeping up to speed with the emerging trends in the industry can be difficult however by undertaking research on every project; we try to innovate and add value to any project we are doing. In addition by involving our clients in all aspects of the project we become more and more confident we can fulfil their request. Thinking outside the box is very important with a number of our competitors able to offer similar services. With Belgium being such a small country and very conservative on urbanism it has been really interesting to have been part of its development. Receiving the ‘Best Residential Architect 2015’ and ‘Innovation in Museum & Gallery Design’ awards is a great honour and makes us feel like our work is appreciated. But without our excellent and extremely dedicated team here winning this award wouldn’t have been possible. In terms of the company’s future prospects we are always looking to identify new clients with new challenges. In a sense these chal- lenges give us an opportunity to showcase our innovate talents. Best Residential Architect 2015 & Award for Innovation in Museum & Gallery Design - Belgium BF Architecture Company: BF architecture Name: Bobby Fogel Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Lange Winkelhaakstraat 26, 2060 Antwerpen Telephone: +32 477 935 000