Build Architecture Awards

Build Architecture Awards 2015 42 CINEARCHITECTURE is an innovative architecture firm run by Agneta Kickan Eriksson Hilden. She gives us an insight into her firm, where she finds her inspiration and what winning this prestigious award means to her. CINEARHITECTURE work across a number of sectors within the industry, with projects in architectural design, interior design, art, developing projects and other innovations. It really is an honour that’s been awarded to this award. It feels that creativity from a fe- male point of view has been awarded, as well as all my hard work over the last 20 years. Throughout history women have been as skilled as men, but have often not been rec- ognised because of a societal constraint. Now that we are more free to express ourselves, particularly in traditionally male dominated in- dustries such as mine, people are beginning to see our talent and it is a great honour to be recognised in that way. All of my work in art and architecture com- bine with inspiraion from how the female body and soul express itself. In addition there is also a kind of human sustainability, how we can understand each other’s reality from different gender, cultures, economic systems, etc, which is infused into every project I undertake. Computers basic geometry is also the inspira- tion for the design of the form and plays a big part in my work, as well as influences from early Modernism in Europe. My work has always been my Passion, and as I believe that curiosity always leads to knowledge I like to contribute to the wider resources on architecture alongside my work in the industry. I work in academia as well as editing books and I have publishing a number of renowned books on art architecture and science philosophy and still write and explore the link between the varied disciplines that I work with. Our ultimate aim has always been customer satisfaction, with our experienced staff able to ensure that our clients always trust us with their vision. Keeping on time and budget is of course very important, and our dedication to this is also a factor in insuring our customers always have a good experience when they work with us. We always have a high level of involvement in any project we are dealing with to ensure every aspect goes according to plan. As I have been working for many years in the industry I understand that intuition gives you most of the knowledge you need when it comes to inspiration, and as such I look for it everywhere, through creative thinking, explor- ing the world and taking a general interest in what is around me. My firm involves a number of staff who work remotely, so we work together using cloud technology, spontaneously Skyping or emailing each other several times every day, creating a discursive communication whilst at the same time allowing everyone to work in their own way, in their own space. We meet once a week or once a mounts to discuss aspects of the projects we work with. We have been working in this manner for the last eight years, and it has defined our company as it ensures that we all retain our passion and interest in the work we do. Female Designer of the Year 2015 – global CINEARCHITECTURE Company: CINEARCHITECTURE Name: Agneta Kickan Eriksson Hilden Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Skyttevägen 18 A 13336 Saltsjöbaden Stockholm Sweden Telephone: +46707521793 Our office is based in the region of Stock- holm, the capital of Sweden, which brings with it its own exciting challenges for the firm. Stockholm is currently attempting to eliminate the housing shortage by building apartments and many largescale housing projects as well as renovation and new offices in the City centre. Our firm is working on projects in all of these areas to help to deal with this issue. In the future, we are hoping this award could give our firm the opportunity to do even more projects. Here at CINEARCHITECTURE we want to work on a more global scale, with different projects across the full spectrum of architectural design. We have an good organ- isation that could easy expand as we have a good philosophy and working method, so we are optimistic about the future overall.