Build Architecture Awards

Build Architecture Awards 2015 74 We are a boutique practice of two directors and no employees. This enables us to serve our clients at director only level through- out a project’s progression and allows us to tailor our service in an exact manner to suit individual project and client requirements. We are also able to offer a specialist management service that not only saves our clients a substantial amount of money but allows for greater flexibility on product specification and special- ist sub-contracted items and ensures all is managed to site in a timely manner. This boutique service can only be achieved if an experienced practice director leads even the smallest project from beginning to end. Our design influences are incredibly broad and our inspiration can come from any aspect of life. We do focus very much on delivery of well-designed homes that work hard and look beautiful for our clients. We place initial emphasis on investigating plan options to ensure we realise a plan that delivers the best layout possible. We work through the design process from there assured we are delivering a comfortable and enjoyable home. This frees us to be more creative and adjust elements from there on. We do not have a set style and work in the context of each project to deliver the right aesthetic solution. We have de- signed very modern solutions that juxtapose the fabric of a heritage structure and equally we have designed in traditional and classical manner where appropriate. To keep up to date with any trends in the in- dustry we keep an eye on press releases, visit shows and visit inspiring properties. We are unique in many ways, primarily as we have no intent to expand and offer a director level only input which gives great clarity and direction throughout a project’s time with us. Due to this focus we can take on more challenging projects and deliver them in a manner that others could not. Our specialist management service is unique and can’t be replicated by larger practices due to the necessity for com- plete link up between all project elements. This management service delivers greater project flexibility and importantly passes on great savings to our clients and reduces both their risk and that of main contractors. Each project is very important to us; we don’t take on too many and care deeply about each one; this comes across and our clients appreciate our enthusiasm, dedication and drive. Our ethos is to accept and refine the client brief within the context of the property and then to deliver beyond this. We work largely within greater London and the challenge here is often making the most from a volume available to ensure spatial requirements for relaxed and comfortable living are met. We place the needs and desires of our clients as paramount and ensure that we can deliver these physical and practical needs hand in hand with the soul-uplift that can only be gained in a beautiful sequence of spaces. It is complex to achieve but we find the challenge rewarding; so this is what we specialise in. We have become very proficient at working within the legal framework of the General Permitted Development Order and Planning Policy (Local & National); this enables us to deliver where others may struggle as we have a great understanding and specific experience in this field. We also work on larger scale projects, such as a country estate in Ireland that is coming to completion, and enjoy the greater freedom of space to give all of the elements that we often need to juggle when constrained by tighter London plots. Working in London refines you as an architect; we have to deliver on so many different levels. Our experience of smaller projects, that we still take into the practice, is a great reference when we deliver larger scale Best in Bespoke Private Residential Architecture – UK Morgan Harris Architects Name: Morgan Harris Architects Ltd Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Orleans Lodge, Richmond Road, Twickenham TW1 3BB Telephone: 020 8144 8337 or 07813 810 230 new build projects that we are adept at taking through the planning process and are able to give more detail and consideration to due to our complex small project experience. We are very excited to have won this award; it is recognition for the enthusiasm and hard work that we give to each and every project in our practice and the wonderful clients we work for and with to create bespoke homes. We plan to remain as a small practice of two directors and further refine our service to serve our clients to their best advantage. This is what we enjoy and what we are good at. We continuously seek new materials, technology and innovations and take on broader roles within the project framework; delivering each aspect seamlessly integrated with the others. We do work within larger teams on our larger projects and enjoy the variance of this; any- one whom we work for and within this way will confirm we are good team players due to our holistic project experience. Our design ethos evolves with each project and after twelve years running this practice we are enthused by our work more than ever.