Build Architecture Awards

Build Architecture Awards 2015 94 rbstudio limited are making a difference in the archi- tecture market with projects such as the award winning Blakehill Crescent. Laurence Bowen and Paul Robin- son talk us through how the firm’s work so far and look ahead to the future. rbstudio is based in Dorset and specialises in contemporary residential design, complet- ing projects across the south coast and in central London. As a small and upcoming practice it is great to be recognised for what is fundamentally our passion, contemporary residential design. When Paul and I set the practice up eight years ago our dream was to work on projects such as Blakehill Crescent and I believe the success of the project is due to the passion of the entire team from start to finish. We worked closely with Portus Homes who share a mutual appreciation of contemporary design. It was there attention to detail and commitment to the original concept that resulted in such a stunning development. Our own personal philosophy revolves around making a positive difference to the way people live, as we strongly believe that good design should be accessible to everyone. Our goal is to create innovative, functional and aesthetically pleasing designs which enhance the environment and the lifestyle of the people who use the building. We pride ourselves on fully engaging and understanding the way our clients want to live their lives and creating environments and spaces that respond and enhance this. In order to achieve this we present our ideas through easy to understand 3D images and models and believe the design process is two way and fluid. As a practice we love all things design, and it is this passion which drives our work and leads us to constantly look for influence from all aspects of modern culture, be it in music, fashion, media or art. Coupled with this we love innovation in how things are put together and new approaches for achieving great contemporary architecture. As an example we have completed a num- ber of designs that have been fabricated in factories in Europe and then assembled on site in a matter of days. Ultimately, the key to the success of our practice is that we are relatively small. This allows us to be flexible and creative but it also means that our clients have the opportunity to build a relationship with us as individuals which we believe is fundamental to a suc- cessful design process. Working at this scale also allows us to be fully immersed in the de- sign process and therefore taking ownership of the design from concept to completion. We are a design studio in the true sense of the word and our proud of this. We aren’t big on hierarchy or titles and promote an open, welcoming design environment where we work off each other’s strengths and work as team to achieve the best results. Our small size means that we are able to have overall control and make many of the decisions ourselves, and it is no accident that we have located in the stunning Dorset town of Poole. The area has a thriving contempo- rary architectural scene and it is exciting to be a major part of this as it provides us with vital inspiration and exciting new opportunities. As we look towards the future, we intend to build on our current success by continu- ing exactly as we are. It is easy to evolve and grow as you become more successful however we truly believe our strength is maintaining the tight and passionate team we have right now. Most Contemporary Residential Development - Blakehill Crescent – UK rbstudio limited Company: rbstudio limited Name: Laurence Bowen, Paul Robinson and Jen Morrison Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: 21A Haven Road, Poole BH13 7LE Telephone: 01202 700032