Architecture Awards 2020
BUILD 2020 Architecture Awards 36 Jun20244 ígia Casanova’s journey to being the most renowned residential interior designer in Portugal began in 1987 when she graduated. After acquiring her Master’s Degree in Graphic Design, Lígia worked for a number of advertising and design companies such as Abrinício in Lisbon and Wolf Ollins in London. Fast-forward to 1995 and Lígia felt a strong desire to bring some value into people’s live and so started to work as an interior designer. 26 years after founding Atelier Lígia Casanova, Lígia has accumulated a diverse portfolio of work which showcases her capabilities as a designer, highlighting the vast range of spaces she has transformed. Whilst many of the project Lígia is asked to work on comes with a vision the client has in mind as the finished result, there is the odd occasion where she is given the opportunity to be a little more creative. One project in particular, Lígia was given complete freedom by the client as he had previously worked with her on a number of other projects, including some she was doing at the same time for him. Originally the house had dark wood floors with the ceiling in matching colors as well. The first decision made was to paint the ceiling white and remove the wooden floors since they were quite old. With every step taken, the old flooring would crunch under the feet of the team. As such, the team used polished concrete instead. The end result? A complete transformation which exceeded the expectations of the client. It was a ‘clean’ project as the team could have done it in just one day, because of the simplicity of the overall design concept. They L worked tirelessly to ensure the house would have a simple and cozy atmosphere, that it would have only the essential, but it would never be cold. Using only a single colour throughout the property, Lígia added a clear blue turquoise accent that referenced the sea, as most of her inspiration comes from the sea as it is very close to Comporta and the magical Alentejo fields. Additionally, they also added some natural tones, which can be seen on the rugs and chairs. These features are reminders of the Alentejo’s ‘searas’ (harvested fields) colors. For many businesses, COVID-19 has had a significant impact on their work. For Lígia, she has noticed that things are becoming increasingly harder, especially because many clients want to feel better in their homes however they are afraid to spend money as they are unsure of what the future holds. Looking ahead to what the future holds, Lígia hopes that she will still have projects which challenge her in the years to come. Ultimately, the main goal for Lígia is to continue working and creating dream spaces for her clients for another 26 years. Company: Atelier Lígia Casanova Contact: Lígia Casanova Web Address: Most Renowned Residential Interior Designer (Portugal): Lígia Casanova ‘Make room for happiness’ has been the motto which has driven award-winning interior designer, Lígia Casanova to create such striking and innovative designs. From the early days of her career through to today, Lígia has followed this motto in every project she undertakes, whether it is for a residential space or a public space. Discover more about Lígia as we take a closer look into the creative process behind her remarkable work.
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