Architecture Awards 2021

19 2021 Architecture Awards BUILD ounded in 2013 as an architecture firm for both commercial and residential clients, G + S Architecture is now a well-known company in its region. The two founders – who met whilst attending the Danish International Studies Program in Copenhagen, Denmark – have been very conscientious when it comes to exactly what the firm stands for and what its goals are, specifically in its design philosophy. Above all else, this company wishes to see G + S Architecture grow and expand upon principles of Scandinavian design and aesthetics. This, at its core, denotes combining functionality with a seamless and fluid flow that guides the eye around an environment, optimising the space for the people within it and integrating the outside environment, allowing the building to exist in synergy with the outdoors. By combining both interior and exterior spatial experiences, Richard Gillern and Mark Sutherland have created a company with a Scandinavian style and an exemplary working methodology, infusing both of their considerable industry knowledge into the development of the business one project at a time. Moreover, regarding the co-founders education, this emphasis on Scandinavian stylings specifically was born from their mutual admiration for blending functionality and design – in particular, Danish Design stylings. Discovering these influences, and beginning to incorporate them into their own work, G + S Architecture was the result; framing the holistic architectural philosophy that has formed the backbone for its work. G + S Architecture believes in designing residential, commercial, and civic buildings with the same philosophy behind them. Fundamentally, to G + S Architecture, every building can benefit from incorporating environmentally conscious building practices with functional design enhancing the users needs while weaving their spatial experience within the flow of the surrounding landscape in order to create an end result that is not just stunning and practical, but energy efficient, as well as something that will remain a timeless piece of architecture for decades. All in all, it has proved its proficiency in the provision of everything from planning to feasibility studies, as well as programming, architecture, interior design, cost estimation, scheduling, and construction administration. One half of the founding duo, Rich Gillern – the President of G + S Architecture – ran a residential and industrial design practice and architectural model fabrication studio prior to starting the company, the former business being one that lasted 14 years. This gave him invaluable knowledge that he now applies to G + S Architecture. In addition, Rich also worked at SB Architects in San Francisco, further enhancing the width and depth of knowledge that he brought along with him, and reinforcing his belief that every programmatic need has an integral purpose that will inform the shape of the entire structure in some way. He also finds his passion in deep consideration of the ethical issues when planning builds, forever conscious of the history of the place, working to make it fit for future use in the cultural and natural environment that it finds itself in. He is exemplary at making such elements fit seamlessly into a client’s unique F vision. Additionally, he earned a reputation for transforming these visions into actionable designs that don’t lose sight of the client’s original desires. Rich holds a Bachelors of Architecture from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, as well as having studies affiliated with Royal Danish Academy, and working in tandem with other industry professionals in order to master specific design and ideation work. Mark Sutherland, the other founder, and Principle Architect of G + S Architecture, has similarly accrued an astounding amount of experience in the industry that enhances the reliability of the company, and his own work as a consequence. Such experience includes work as a Project Architect for CJW Architecture in Portola Valley, a position that he held for nearly ten years. Notably, here is where he developed his keen eye for practical, creative work, applying both principles to design and problem solving within his industry, resulting in more than a decade of past architectural work within the Bay Area peninsula itself. Mark is fluent in a wide range of projects, styles, and elements of architectural projects. Fundamentally, he is familiar with how to work with all manner of persons and building types, able to get the most out of any given team, streamlining the working process for the most effective, fit-to-function results that a client can be proud of for decades to come. Mark holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design degree from University of Colorado, has graduated with a Master of Architecture degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and also graduated from European studies in Copenhagen and Oslo. G + S Architecture, above all else, practices humility. Its team, its practices, and its methodologies are all exemplary due to the work they have done past and present, letting the work that keeps clients coming back again and again speak for itself. Furthermore, it holds the concepts of open, honest, and direct communication close to its heart, meeting its clients where they’re at in their journey; this goes for clients who have an exact idea of what they want right down to the laid beam and timber, and for clients who have less solid of a concept. It thinks of its clients as partners to its own success, people who it is excited to get involved in a project with and get the opinion of. Being a full-service practice, this is also subsidised by its ability to be totally pragmatic when it comes to project management. Working in such a competitive field, G + S Architecture is conscious of vitally important keeping a finger on the industry pulse is along with internal growth, development and betterment is what will allow the firm to continue shaping the future for its clients and the Bay Area Region. G + S Architecture has worked with so many different projects, applying its variety of experience and skills, confident it can rise to any challenge – and encourages prospective clients to get in touch with it at their convenience to discuss how it can be of help to them. Company: G and S Architecture Contact: Rich Gillern Website: