Architecture Awards 2021

37 2021 Architecture Awards BUILD May21081 Best Residential Remodelling & New Construction Design Specialists - Southwest USA & Best Mid-Century Modern Residential Interior Design: Courtyard House An exterior and interior design works company, Anthony W Design is making a stir in its industry and its region, creating stunning spaces that reflect the individuality of the client. In this way, it has applied its outstanding eye for precision, detail, and artistry across a multitude of projects for a myriad of clients, shepherding in a new era of success for the company that is excited to see grow to further fruition in the future. nthony W Design is an Arizona company based in Phoenix, providing exemplary interior and exterior design work with the backdrop of a stunning region, working with the belief that great design begins with people. Therefore, whenever it begins work with a client, is will prioritise getting to know them and getting to know what they want, learning what makes them tick and what their homes and spaces need to accomplish. It also has its own distinctive style of working the instils joy, cultivates human connection, and lets the quirks and loveable elements of its clients shine through. With all of these elements working in tandem, it has earned itself a diverse and loyal client base; clients who have made it their go-to interior and exterior designer, sticking with it through thick and thin. It is these people that Anthony W Design wishes to thank in particular. Overall, the past year has been challenging – not just for Anthony W Design, but industries across the board, and the companies within – making for delays on production, shortages on materials, and an increased demand for skilled labour that was increasingly difficult to satisfy. In order to survive, Anthony W Design funnelled significant effort into its pivot, zeroing back in on the true core of the company, the client. Rallying its team around it, it pulled through despite the challenges that the year threw at it, and ensured that every internal element was able to work together with perfect synergy and communicate across all parts of its operational model, moving forward only when all pieces fit. Therefore, it has managed despite the increased delays to its projects, and its grateful to those clients who came on board during the crisis whose projects had to be delayed whilst hiccups and shortages were being sorted out. Fundamentally, it believes in order to create a piece of interior or exterior design work that a client will be happy with, a designer has to work empathically, sensitively, and with an open mind. This has informed the manner with which is approaches its clients – all of which laud it as exemplary – as well as allowing it to elegantly avoid ‘design for the sake of design’; everything has its place, its purpose, and its meaning. Every piece of information that a client gives it will allow it to work better when it comes to ensuring their goals and needs are met. By way of ideation sessions, meetings, check-ins, and more, it A brings intention to its work in a way that many of its competitors do not, and uses the space given to it to tell a story. Moreover, this allows it to develop spaces that have balance between fitting seamlessly around a client’s life and being an artistic statement about the individuality found within that life, with work that brings balance, joy, and further opportunity for growth. Since its founding, the firm has grown in unprecedented and humbling ways. The founder’s hard work as well as the efforts of the team have made Anthony W Design a going concern and a present artistic voice in Arizona, allowing it to build a reputation to stunning creations, exemplary customer service, and industry-leading innovations. Through the pandemic, it has been able to build upon its client base, as well as being able to bring onboard its first associate designer and project manager. Currently, it is even hiring for a social media manager and summer intern, excited to see what they bring to its upcoming projects, and to share the joy of its work with these new team members. Company: Anthony W Design Contact: Laila McLain Website: Anthony W Design