Architecture Awards 2024

BUILD Architecture Awards 2024 Best Public Centre Development Specialist Architecture Practice 2024 – Switzerland Founded in Lucerne in 2007, blgp architekten is run by Pinar Gönül, Corinne Marty and Lukas Bucher, experienced professionals and members of various prestigious committees, including Pinar’s association with the Sempach Townscape Commission. Their vision is to create spaces which seamlessly enter a wider conversation with the buildings around them. The blgp approach emphasises a close examination of the space it’s building in. The team asks questions of that space, figuring out how the design may enhance it without standing alone or being unnecessarily distinctive. It’s about fashioning a property with its own identity while respecting its community. The firm understands clients’ needs as well as any other, and it marries these needs with those of the ensemble it will be a part of. The firm’s history includes a vast range of projects, including public spaces, reactivation of villages and plans for the Conversion of a grain, all designed according to blgp’s philosophy of retaining the history and existing architecture and influences of a space where possible. These designs have won the team various competitions, owing to its vision of marrying a space’s function with lively materials and a natural feel which impresses but doesn’t impose. One of architecture’s greatest modern challenges is designing sustainable spaces. Innovation is occurring industry-wide, demanding new avenues of thought and creative decision-making. Blgp looks to a future when architects are unable to build in the same way as previous generations, doing their part to combat climate change. Due to concerns such as limited supplies of sustainable materials, the need to power homes, and the high costs of building in an eco-friendly fashion, it’s an ever-evolving hurdle. However, it’s one that blgp architekten meets head-on. The firm is currently working on a small apartment building with four residential units, and the goal is to design and construct it with sustainability in mind. Between timber frames and a low carbon footprint, it will stand as a testament to the firm’s forward-thinking approach. blgp architekten’s research into this build is part of its wider contribution to the construction industry. The sustainability solutions it uncovers are scalable to other projects of varying size and scope, and the firm is proud to play its part in the conversation around climate change, making strides towards the future of design practice. Ultimately, blgp architekten is an exemplary, climate conscious authority on design and construction. It’s forward-thinking but with a blgp architekten seeks harmony in all its work. Its building designs complement their environments, are built as sustainably as possible, and perfectly straddle the line between modesty and excess. Its careful, restrained works breathe life into urban neighbourhoods and village spaces, reflecting a deep respect for the architectural aesthetic they’re a part of. keen respect for architectural past, and with a run of competition wins under its belt, it will no doubt continue to produce outstanding work in public and private spaces. Contact: Lukas Bucher Company: blgp architekten ag Web Address: blgp architekten “The focus is shifting strongly towards sustainability, and we need to become much more innovative here. We try to find an answer to these questions with our designs and selected constructions, and to develop new approached together with the industry.”