Architecture Awards 2024

BUILD Architecture Awards 2024 For nearly three decades, Silva DiasArquitectos has dedicated itself to all areas in the field of architecture to provide a comprehensive service to its valued clients. Working in collaboration with clients, the firm strives to create exceptional environments that exist harmoniously with the world around them. BUILD Excellence Award in Hospitality Architecture 2024 - Portugal Silva DiasArquitectos Since its inception, the Portuguese firm has pursued an informed and reflective practice, closely collaborating with international clients to help them achieve their architecture dreams. Renowned for its innovative approach, Silva Dias-Arquitectos combines Portuguese architectural principles with contemporary techniques. The practice adheres to the principles of the Vitruvian axiom, Firmitas, Utilitas, and Venustas (strength, utility, and beauty), using its values to create dynamic designs for the programs the firm addresses. The Roman architect Vitruvius cited these three universal principles in his treatise to help architects devise elegant solutions to their creative challenges. While Firmitas (durability) and Utilitas (functionality) are principles that all good architecture would embody, Venustas (beauty) is a value which is often overlooked in today’s architecture. Every project that Silva Dias-Arquitectos undertakes provides the team with an opportunity to flex their creativity and find solutions to their individual challenges. The dedicated team takes the time to meticulously study specific solutions and is particularly focused on the relationship between their designs and the surrounding environment. As a more intimate architecture, Silva Dias-Arquitectos can respond thoughtfully to every client and employ an analytical development process to meet the program requirements as accurately as possible. Although there is no one-size-fits-all approach, Silva Dias-Arquitectos considers several factors essential when approaching any project. These are the contextualisation of the site, the program specifications, and the dynamic planning process. Before the beginning of each project, a plan is established, involving the stakeholders, to shape the project’s development. This plan is essential to resolve any problems encountered and ensure that the project fulfils each program’s requirements. The Municipal Market of Pinhal Novo in Portugal is a stunning example of the practice’s manipulation of space with a large central nave inside the building to provide the public with access to various amenities. The structure possesses the dignity of a public building and employs the dimensions of space to create a serene and open environment. The finished façade successfully meets the guidelines of the project while distinguishing the impressive building from its surroundings. The project’s main objective was to strengthen the centrality of the Praça da Independência (Independence Square). To achieve this goal, Silva Dias-Arquitectos added several other activities alongside the market including a post office, an advice bureau for micro and small businesses, the Pinhal Novo Youth Centre, and a Citizen’s Services Centre. Around the world, AI has now been widely adopted in the architectural profession, enabling architects to design, plan, and build structures more efficiently. AI has helped many professionals transform their workloads, performing routine tasks and allowing architects to focus on creative aspects of their work. On the future of AI in architecture, Tiago Silva Dias, Director of Silva Dias-Arquitectos, says, “AI will greatly contribute to the technological development of construction solutions, but it will never replace the wonderful and mysterious creative power of the human mind, where our ‘memory castle’ resides traversed by the extraordinary combination of reason and emotion.” The beginning of 2024 has been a particularly challenging time for Silva Dias-Arquitectos with many demanding projects underway. One of these many projects has involved the practice working with the European program ‘Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência’ (Recovery and Resilience Plan) to rehabilitate buildings with significant heritage value. Through this program, Silva Dias-Arquitectos strives to not only contribute to the rehabilitation of architecture but also to demonstrate Portugal’s developmental potential. For over thirty years, Silva Dias-Arquitectos has remained steadfast in its mission to find innovative solutions to client’s unique architectural challenges. With its analytical process, the firm is dedicated to meeting project requirements as accurately as possible while also forging impactful relationships between buildings and their surrounding environments. For its reflective and meticulous approach, Silva Dias-Arquitectos has received a BUILD Excellence Award in Hospitality Architecture 2024 – Portugal. Contact: Tiago Silva Dias Company: Silva Dias-Arquitectos Web Address: