Architecture Awards 2024

BUILD Architecture Awards 2024 Best Architectural & Engineering Conservation/ Restoration Firm 2024 – Latin America & Best Completed Specialist Residential Project 2024 (Latin America): Private Residence Villa Roman Established in 1985, BCG AE specialises in the conservation, infrastructure renovation, and adaptive reuse of buildings holding cultural and historic value. The firm has developed a masterful combination of preserving the significance of a building whilst catering to the client’s needs regarding functionality, comfort, security, and energy efficiency. “We believe and have witnessed throughout our career the extent to which architecture changes people's lives. Spaces, shapes and colors deeply affect how people feel, live and work. Understanding, shaping, and materialising our clients’ needs and expectations is our goal,” María Paula tells us. Being located in Buenos Aires, Argentina has had an impact on business for BCG AE, but the firm does not shy away from challenges. In recent years, the country has experienced high inflation rates, coupled with economic turbulence and severe recessive periods. However, María Paula notes that these challenges have merely prompted BCG AE to explore alternatives and think creatively to meet the expectations of its clients in accordance with the demands of the international context. Rather than feeling deterred by such limitations, BCG AE has turned obstacle into opportunity. While BCG AE has many clients within Argentina, the firm additionally provides services to a range of private clients from abroad. María Paula tells us, “Our private clients come from different cultural backgrounds. Unlike diplomatic representations, the project is not so strictly governed by specific normatives and standards, which allows us to focus on a design that reflects the personality and the lifestyle of the owners.” The team at BCG AE are well-versed in international design standards and codes. Whether in Argentina or abroad, each project is organised and completed seamlessly. BCG AE makes a point to always consider the project’s construction, even in the early stages of the design process, particularly when it comes to overseas clients. It is important that the firm recognises any potential challenges that may arise during the construction stage so that the design can account for possible restrictions or local requirements. BCG AE has many prestigious completed projects under its belt, with one of its more notable being the renovation of Villa Román, a palace that faces the “Rio de La Plata” river and was the former residence of the French Ambassador in Buenos Aires. The 18,113 sqm property was purchased by the Argentine businessman, Alfredo Román, who actively participated throughout the design process, becoming personally involved in the landscaping project, selecting each species planted, including the already grown trees that were transplanted and transported 400 km to the site to beautify and enhance the terraced gardens. “The AE design project includes the complete restoration and renovation of the main house and both pavilions, adding a new construction for a winter garden with an in-out pool and underground facilities. The intervention includes an artificial river that runs through the property flowing into a pond with chill-out spaces and a vintage pergola.” Eduardo Carena tells us. The firm renovated the entirety of the Villa’s original infrastructure before restoring the rooms of the main house, including the main entrance, two-level kitchen, and all representational rooms on the ground floor of the villa. The guest suites were housed in the attic of the main house, which was completely renovated by restoring the originally hidden wooden ceiling beams so that they remained exposed. BCG AE is an architectural firm based in Buenos Aires that provides architectural design services for Governmental, Institutional and private clients. For over 30 years, the firm has dedicated itself to contemporary design, conservation of buildings of heritage value, adaptive reuse and security upgrading projects. As BCG AE receives its titles in the Architecture Awards 2024, we speak with company Principals María Paula Baez and Eduardo Carena to find out more. BCG AE introduced a new hydraulic lift, a Moroccan-style spa, a fully equipped gym, a home cinema and a wine cellar, completing the project the restoration of the pool pavilion, the addition of a stable with a jumping arena and a private helipad. This design project is a shining example of the exemplary services offered by BCG AE. The firm plans to continue providing high-quality architectural solutions to its clients around the world. María Paula alludes to five projects currently in the works at BCG AE, all to be completed in the first quarter of 2025. With such a strong commitment to conservation paired with an innovative design flair, we have no doubts that BCG AE will continue to turn obstacles into opportunities and pave the way for architectural firms everywhere. Contacts: Arq. María Paula Baez / Arq. Eduardo Carena Company: BCG AE Web Address: BCG AE