Construction & Engineering Awards 2018

Build 2018 Construction & Engineering Awards remain a world class city and is still facing huge demand, despite the looming challenges of Brexit, whether it be soft or hard. London is still at the core of investors choices on a global scale. “Therefore, as we look to the future CBG intends to remain active in its commitment for large residential, hotels and commercial schemes across London. This is actively expanding to the North of England, and we already have my developments in the pipeline for Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham, so that we can increase CBG’s brand awareness. We also aim to continue our work in Europe, especially Germany and Greece. We always embrace the changes in which buildings are developed to provide safe and sophisticated living and working environments. We are doing everything possible to make sure we not only comply, but also become some of the first developers to adopt drastic construction and design methodology so that we can continue to offer our clients cutting-edge support and solutions.” every development. We never follow the competition when it comes to our approach; we are committed to maintain our own quality, one which matches our client’s desires. We want to build in volume that of course reflects quality and identifies the client’s needs. This is further recognised in the fact that our clientele remains extremely keen in committing to our new upcoming projects. “To ensure that we offer our clients the opportunities they need, we tend to go for projects that are large residential, hotels or commercial schemes. Primarily we hope that these schemes are part of larger plan for a certain areas development. Going forward, we are looking into multi-use schemes that will have a major impact on the area and peoples’ lifestyles there.” Lifestyle is key to the firm’s success, and Nicholas is eager for his developments, whatever they may be, to be used to the fullest and enrich the lives of those who utilise them, as he explains in more detail. “Whenever we create a development, whether it be retail, residential, commercial or hospitality, at CBG we are always looking to the bigger picture. We thoroughly research the area around the site and look into the history of it, so that we can create a development that is in-keeping with the surrounding area. We also like to envision what those who use our development will do with it, so that we can create something that will stand the test of time and be enjoyed for many years to come.” Looking to the future, Nicholas foresees even greater success for both his group and the UK’s construction market, as he excitedly concludes. “Despite the challenges our industry faces, at CBG we have found that all sectors Central and Greater London are still booming. This is evident by the number of developments, new builds and refurbishment taking place. There are truly exciting times ahead for London. It will CE180011 Melrose Apartments Beaufort Gardens