Construction and Engineering Awards 2021

11 Construction and Engineering Awards 2021 BUILD ounded in 1984, JK Architecture Engineering (JKAE) is a leading-edge architecture and engineering firm operating in the northern California regions of Auburn, Tahoe City, and San Jose, as well as Reno, Nevada. At its core, JKAE is passionate, visionary, and emboldened by imagination and is dedicated to working with their clients on an interpersonal level to create spaces of personality, purpose, and innovation. Through its architecture, civil engineering, and structural engineering services, JKAE fulfills their clients’ visions while achieving their mission to Imagine + Design + Create environments that enrich the human experience. This mission has endeared JKAE to its local community and is exemplified by their recent Student Union and Administration Building project at Casa Roble High School with Flint Builders. Upon their selection for the project, JKAE was eager to create something that mirrored the local community and would go on to inspire the students and staff who work and learn within its walls. The result was a truly bold and contemporary statement that befits the modern atmosphere of the school. The Student Union and Administration Building’s student- centric and collaborative learning environment has allowed Casa Roble High School to usher in a new era of success as an academic and social campus. This new building has helped them support the young minds that it stewards and also nurtures the surrounding environment by honoring the build context of the school and vernacular of the community. As the school’s community gathers once again after the pandemic, students and faculty alike can look forward to a renewed sense of closeness to each other, all made possible by the thoughtful and empathic work of JKAE. JKAE’s unique approach begins with their Imagine phase. This is a pivotal starting block for any project. JKAE uses this phase to define what’s most important to its clients. They approach every project in a hands-on manner that is personal, energetic, passionate, and proven. Through this collaborative process, each of the team’s ideas are documented and refined into something that functions in perfect synergy. F By the end of the Imagine phase, the client has refined project goals regarding function, form, economical features, timescales, and sustainability. Then, JKAE guides their clients through the Design phase. Herein is where its virtual and 3D modelling can truly shine, with VR and AR technologies integrated into the process to show a client the ins and outs of a project down to the most minute detail. This allows JKAE to design, coordinate, and document the process in a way that is easy and exciting to follow. After this comes the Create phase where the project breaks ground and the team begins to transform their client’s vision to reality. JKAE’s success is only made possible through its team of seasoned professionals whose strength comes with the trust and respect that has grown over decades of experience and working together. With people representing the first and most important pillar of their core values, JKAE takes great pride in the professional development and mentorship of their staff. They support each team member in continued career growth, allow them to present at firmwide Co-Labs, encourage them to take part in seminars, ensure they are proficient in content and coordination procedures, and enable their creativity and passion for design. This results in an innovative, dedicated, and committed team who are always willing to go above and beyond for their clients. In addition, throughout the course of the pandemic, JKAE continued to support its clients and team both through remote and cloud-based systems. Adapting quickly and pivoting with sophistication, JKAE fell in-step with the remote paradigm quickly, but is glad to see things returning to normalcy. After all, relationships are such an integral part of what they do, and attaining a personal, in-depth connection to their clients if one of JKAE’s top priorities. Company: JK Architecture Engineering Contact: Derek Labrecque Website: